Loss of appetite: causes and how to stimulate your appetite

Loss of appetite: causes and how to stimulate your appetite
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / IppikiOokami

Loss of appetite can have various causes and is often a burden for those affected. Find out here how you can naturally stimulate your appetite.

Unlike hunger, appetite is not a need, but the desire to eat and enjoy. If even your favorite food doesn’t make you hungry, this can be a sign of loss of appetite and indicate that something is different than usual. There doesn’t necessarily have to be an illness behind it; occasional loss of appetite is completely normal. However, if the need for food is absent for a longer period of time and for several days, you should find out the reasons for this.

Causes of loss of appetite

Loss of appetite can have different causes. It is not necessarily a bad thing, because people who are newly in love often have less appetite and are still happy. But many people also lose their appetite during periods of grief or heartbreak. Psychological factors such as extreme stress situations or extreme excitement can be another cause.

Psychological illnesses such as depression, dementia or anorexia can also lead to loss of appetite. Loss of appetite can be influenced by psychological factors. But it can also have physical causes. In addition to a gastrointestinal infection, these can also be illnesses such as gallstones, hepatitis or cancer.

Some of the causes mentioned are dangerous for you and your body. If your loss of appetite persists over a longer period of time, you should seek medical advice.

Ways to stimulate your appetite

Eating together as a remedy for loss of appetite.
Eating together as a remedy for loss of appetite.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / RitaE)

In addition to looking for the causes, it is also possible to try to stimulate the appetite using natural means:

  • Drink caraway, yarrow or dandelion tea during the day. These herbs stimulate the appetite. Do not drink the tea immediately before a meal.
  • It is better to eat several small meals throughout the day rather than one large meal. This will help your digestion.
  • Find company when eating. It is more enjoyable to eat together than alone.

How to prevent loss of appetite

A healthy lifestyle helps maintain your natural appetite.
A healthy lifestyle helps maintain your natural appetite.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / RitaE)

The Straubing Clinic recommends: Take your time when cooking and eating and eat your meals in an atmosphere that you enjoy. Make sure you eat a balanced and light diet, but don’t force yourself to eat certain foods. Get enough exercise in the fresh air, as this increases your calorie needs and can stimulate your appetite.

If your appetite returns, eat whatever you feel like, even if it may not be the healthiest dish. Your body will get what it needs over time.

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Edited by Melanie Grünauer

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