PC-Active 330 already contained useful tips and tricks for macOS, the operating system for Apple computers. And in this issue, HCC!apple volunteer Ernst Roelofs again provides plenty of tips and tricks.

Ernst Roelofspart 2

In PC-Active 330 you can already read about a number of options Finder to your own liking, so you can quickly and easily find your way around your Mac. In the second part of macOS tips and tricks we happily continue where we left off.

MacOS 1 2Of Archive you can take a number of actions, such as creating a new Finder window. If you find shortcuts useful, you will see the keyboard combination on the far right to quickly perform a function (image 1):

Of Open with you can choose a program other than the default to open a file, in this case a .png file (image 2).

MacOS 2 2

macOS 3 2

Of Change you can undo an action (other than cutting and pasting) (image 3).

MacOS 4 2a

Also the function Display speaks for itself. This allows you to set things up in more detail. (image 4)

You can enter using the function below View > Show view options (image 5) choose which columns you want to have or not appear in the Finderwindow (Figure 6).

And whether, for example, you want to see the size of a folder or a file displayed.
The Display-option is also possible with the icon icon 6

macOS 5 2 macOS 6 2

Through the Displaymenu you can also choose to make a button bar (in)visible or to customize it. Also others DisplayOptions, indispensable for one user, but a distraction for another, can be made visible or not, such as the Path bar below (image 7):

MacOS 7 2

MacOS 8 2Also the Gofunction is self-explanatory. This allows you to quickly go to a specific ‘place’ (image 8).

macOS 9 2

The Windowfunction offers a number of functions to further customize the screen to your liking (image 9).

MacOS 10 2 macOS 11 2

The Helpfunction is also bright.
Apple has it on their site
extensive instructions and manuals.

Finally, you can use Finder
through Institutions Furthermore
personalize. Via the menu bar
(at the top) you can go via
Institutions a number of things (also)
Set up:

macOS 12 2 MacOS 13 2

To start with, imagine General
in what you see on the desktop
Macwants to have displayed.
I find it useful to have the data
to be able to approach carriers directly
and so I checked that.
Someone else may prefer
a tidy desk (image 12)

Through Tags you can create labels,
attach a name and a color to it
and you can then use the
search function on search (image 13).

MacOS 14 2 MacOS 15 2

The Navigation-column is the on column
the right side in it Finder-window.
You can indicate here with a check mark
what you may or may not want to see again-
given in that column (image 14).

Remains the Advanced
from Finder. With this
you can set a number of options
such as displaying the
extension, the type of file
(image 15).

MacOS 8 2

At the Search-function you can indicate what the default search method is. This way you can search the entire Mac or the current folder (image 16).

Through Services you can make further adjustments. The choices depend on the type of window open/file selected (Figure 17).

MacOS 17 2

Finally, one last tip. Double-clicking on a window adjusts its size. Double-click again and you will return to the previous window.

In short, there are plenty of options to customize Finder, so you can quickly and easily find your way around your Mac. Of course, there are also several roads on the Mac that lead to Rome. I advise especially novice Mac users to try out the different functions and display options and then make a choice.

And… for those who want to check it all, see for all the possibilities of MacOS Ventura: https://www.apple.com/nl/macos/ventura/ and for all the possibilities of Finder: https://www.apple. com/nl/search/Finder?src=globalnav


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