All e-mails from a Google account always at hand with the app of the webmail service Gmail.
App on phone
Gmail is Google’s webmail service. Anyone with internet access can create an email address for free. You can access the service through a website. But there is also an app, for smartphone or tablet. This makes emailing even easier.
Every Android smartphone already has the Gmail app. If you have an iPhone, you must first download it.
Add Account on Android Device
While setting up an Android phone, you have already entered a Google account. This account is automatically associated with the Gmail app. So you can start emailing right away. If you would like to add another email address, please do so as follows:
- Go to the phone’s home screen.
- Tap the folder google.
- Tap on gmail.
- Tap your photo or icon with the initials of your name in the top right.
- Tap on Add another account.
- We add a Google account, but it is also possible to add an account, for example. Tap on google.
- You may now need to verify your identity, for example with your fingerprint
- Tap (if necessary) Continue.
- Tap on Email address or phone number and type the email address.
- Tap on Next one.
- Tap on Enter your password.
- Enter the password.
- Tap on Next one.
- Accept Google’s terms of service. Tap on: I agree
The account has now been added to the app.
Add Account on iPhone/iPad
After you have installed the Gmail app on the iPhone/iPad, it is time to link an email account.
- Open the Gmail app.
- The first time, Gmail (may) ask if you want to allow Gmail to send notifications. Tap the desired option.
- Tap on login.
- Tap on Add another account.
- You will see a step where you can add all kinds of accounts. We are now adding a Google account Tap google.
- Tap on Continue.
- Tap on Email address or phone number and type the email address.
- Tap on Next one.
- Tap on Enter your password.
- Enter the password.
- Tap on Next one.
- Google now displays a security code that must be entered on the phone. Follow the instructions on the screen.
The account has now been added to the app.
Message received
Incoming emails are automatically sorted in Gmail into the folders ‘Primary’, ‘Social’ and ‘Advertising’. The most important of these is ‘Primary’. This is where the important emails usually end up. Change folder?
- Tap the three horizontal lines at the top left.
- Select the folder you want to open.
You will now receive an overview of all e-mails. For every e-mail a so-called message line is visible with the sender, the subject and the first sentence of the message.
- Tap this message line to open the email.
Reply to message
- Tap the message line to open an email.
- Swipe to the bottom of the email.
- Tap on To answer. If the email has been sent to multiple people and you want everyone to receive the reply, tap Answer all.
- If you receive an e-mail that is also interesting for someone else, for example a newsletter, you can forward it. Then tap Forward and enter the email address at ‘To’.
- On an iPhone, first tap where you want to type a message. Type a reply in the email.
- Tap the paper airplane icon to send the mail.
- Tap the arrow at the top left to go back to the mail overview.
To send a message
- Tap at the bottom draw up.
- Tap on Compose email.
- Type the text of the mail or use ‘Paste’ (long press with finger on the screen and choose paste) to paste previously copied text.
- Tap on Subject.
- Briefly type what the email is about.
- Tap on On.
- Enter the recipient’s email address.
- Optionally, tap the down arrow to open the CC and BCC boxes.
- Tap on CC or BCC and type the other email addresses.
- If you want to use Google Contacts to use an address from your address book, tap the three dots at the top right.
- Optionally, tap (Add off) Contacts and Once.
- Scroll through the contacts and tap the correct email address. Or use the search function. To do this, tap the magnifying glass at the top right and type the recipient’s name.
Send message with attachment
- Compose an email as described above.
- On the Compose screen, tap the paperclip at the top right.
- Gmail may request permission to access a particular folder. Agree to this.
- Optionally tap Attach file.
- Browse the files and tap the file you want to send as an attachment.
- In the ‘Compose’ screen, tap the send button (the paper airplane) at the top right to send the mail immediately.
Delete message
- Tap the colored circle with letter that represents an email.
- The circle turns blue with a white check mark in it. In the same way, select multiple emails if necessary.
- Tap the trash can icon at the top.
Schedule shipping
Sometimes you do not want to send an email immediately, for example because you wrote the email overnight and do not want to disturb the recipient. Or you don’t feel it necessary for the recipient to know about your nighttime nightmares. Deferred sending goes as follows:
- On the Compose screen, tap the three dots at the top right.
- Tap on Schedule shipping.
- Choose one of the suggested options by tapping it or choose a date and time yourself.
- Last option chosen? Then enter the date and time.
- Tap on Schedule shipping.
Scheduled emails can be found in a separate folder.
- Tap the three horizontal lines at the top left.
- Tap on Planned.
give stars
Star important e-mails and find them easily in a full mailbox.
- Tap the star to the right of the post title.
The mails marked with a star can be found in the ‘Starred’ folder.
- Tap the three horizontal lines at the top left.
- Tap on With star.
To search
Didn’t use a star and still looking for that one email? Then use the extensive search function. For example, search by sender, subject, keyword, document type or for emails with an attachment.
- Tap at the top Search emails (Android) or Search in mail (iPhone/iPad).
- Enter a search term or use a so-called search operator. Examples of this are: ‘from: [naam afzender]’, ‘contains: attachment’ or ‘subject: dinner party’. View on for more information about search operators.
- Tap the enter key (iPhone/iPad) or the magnifying glass (Android).
Swipe actions
With a swipe left or right you can quickly archive, delete, mark as (un)read, move or snooze an email. Decide for yourself what is useful via the settings. By default, Gmail archives a message on a swipe left or right.
- Tap the three horizontal lines at the top left.
- Swipe down and tap Institutions.
- Optionally tap General settings (Android).
- Tap on Swipe actions (Android) or Email Swipe Actions (iPhone/iPad).
- Under ‘Swipe right’, tap the right arrow (iPhone/iPad) or Modify to choose a different swipe action.
- Check one of the options: ‘Archive’, ‘Delete’ (‘Trash’ in iPhone/iPad), ‘(Mark as) read/unread’, ‘Move (to)’, ‘Snooze’ or ‘None’.
- Optionally, tap the left arrow (iPhone/iPad).
- Repeat the above steps if you want to set up ‘Swipe left’.
- Tap the left arrow three times (Android) or one tap to the left and one cross to return to the Inbox.