Netflix is ​​working on a free subscription (with these disadvantages)

Netflix has only become more expensive in recent years, but is now working on a free subscription in a number of countries. We already know this.

Netflix is ​​considering a free subscription

Do you have a subscription to Netflix, but only watch a film or series once in a while? Then we have good news, because Netflix is ​​working on a free subscription for Europe and Asia. This is a striking choice by the streaming service, as all subscriptions have become more expensive in recent years. For example, the prices of the Basic, Standard and Premium subscriptions have recently been increased by a few euros.

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It now seems that a fourth subscription is being introduced, where you can use Netflix completely free. As a user, you only have to create an account and select the free subscription. You then get access to all content that can be seen on the streaming service. The new subscription has one major disadvantage, because advertisements are played between viewings.

Netflix is ​​working on a free subscription (with these disadvantages)

New subscription has disadvantages

With the new subscription option, Netflix is ​​trying to increase the revenue from advertisements. According to the company, this free subscription is mainly intended for users who watch few films and series. They no longer have to pay a monthly fee, but they will see advertisements. It is not known how many advertisements that is, the film or series may also be interrupted by advertisements in between.

It is expected that the free subscription to Netflix also has other disadvantages. For example, it is probably not possible to download titles, so you can no longer view them offline. You can also probably watch on only one supported device at a time and the subscription does not support the highest image quality. Don’t want these disadvantages? Then you still have to pay for the streaming service.

streaming services

Recruit more subscribers

The fact that it has now become known that Netflix is ​​working on a free subscription is surprising, especially because other streaming services recently introduced paid subscriptions with advertisements. Netflix is ​​currently the viewing platform with the most subscribers worldwide, but that position is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain due to the rise of Disney Plus and Amazon Prime. With the free subscription, Netflix wants to attract more regular subscribers.

Also read: Netflix will immediately become more expensive – these are the new rates

It is still unclear when the streaming service will launch the new subscription. According to rumors, Netflix will first bring the free subscription to countries in Europe and Asia. Only then will Netflix consider bringing the new subscription option to the United States. Are you tired of Netflix and are you looking for another service? Then view all options here:

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