Not only medical treatments are crucial for sustainable health, but also the protection and preservation of our environment. The German Sustainability Prize for Health uses innovative projects to show what contribution the health sector can make to a climate-friendly future.
With its high consumption of energy and resources, the health sector offers a huge opportunity to move major levers for sustainable change. The healthcare system is relevant to sustainability in two respects:
- According to the representative survey “Climate Neutral Health Sector 2024” (PDF), 41 percent of those surveyed expect negative effects of climate change on their personal health by 2030.
- At the same time, the greenhouse gas emissions of the German health sector are enormous: they cause around 6 percent of national emissions – and therefore contribute more to climate change than German air traffic – but do not receive nearly the same attention.
We are looking for innovative projects that show how the ecological footprint in the healthcare sector can be reduced and that can serve as a role model beyond their industry. For example, by promoting environmentally sensitive measures, helping to reduce illnesses and thus health costs, or making facilities cheaper and more resilient through energy-efficient technologies.

Climate protection is health protection: the first German Sustainability Prize for Health awarded
So it’s good that there is finally a prize that recognizes such projects and thus makes them visible: the German Sustainability Prize for Health 2025 was awarded in November.
The BARMER, the Healthy Earth – Healthy People Foundation by Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen and the German Sustainability Prize Foundation are sending a strong message together: The prize shows how innovation and commitment in the healthcare sector can contribute to solving global challenges.
An essential message: climate protection is health protection. In the three categories “Shaping health care,” “Protecting the environment” and “Strengthening health,” projects were honored that provide encouragement and show ways in which sustainability can be implemented in practice.
More information about the German Sustainability Award for Health
German Sustainability Award for Health: Winners with visions
The award winners prove that combining climate protection and healthcare is not only possible, but also urgently necessary – for a healthy and sustainable future.
Winner “Strengthening Health”: Online advice offering provides immediate help
The corona pandemic has made it clear how important it is to ensure stable health care even in times of crisis. In 2020, kritikenchat, an innovative service, was created that provides around-the-clock support to young people in exceptional psychological situations. Over 350 psychologically trained counselors and 90 employees can be reached anonymously and free of charge via chat.
This portal not only gives young people much-needed support, but also raises society’s awareness of their mental health. It helps to detect illnesses at an early stage and, in some cases, prevent them, thereby laying the foundation for a healthier future.
Winner “Shaping Care”: environmentally friendly antibiotic production
The production of antibiotics often involves ecological risks – harmful substances end up in wastewater and endanger the environment. The AOK Baden-Württemberg, together with partners such as the IWW Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wasserforschung and the Federal Environment Agency, has launched a groundbreaking study on sustainable antibiotic production.
Their goal: create incentives for more environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and make global supply chains more transparent. This not only protects our environment, but also secures the future of medicine: fewer antibiotic-resistant germs ensure that the effectiveness of these important medications is maintained – a benefit for all generations.
Winner “Protect the Environment”: climate-friendly care
The AWO’s “Climate-Friendly Care” project shows how climate protection and quality of care fit together. In 90 facilities for the disabled and elderly care, CO₂ emissions are recorded and creative solutions are implemented: sheep replace lawn mowers, vegetarian menus reduce emissions, time relays save electricity and solar systems provide clean energy.
But the initiative goes even further: the funds saved flow into better care and more modern equipment. This creates not only sustainable but also more humane working and living conditions. The project is a shining example of how environmental protection can improve everyday life – for carers, residents and the environment.
Climate protection is health protection
The German Sustainability Prize for Health reminds us that health is unthinkable without sustainability. Climate protection protects our livelihoods – and therefore also our health. The healthcare sector has the potential to lead by example, and this is exactly where the prize comes in: it gives pioneers a platform and inspires other companies to follow their example.
As one of the largest statutory health insurance companies in Germany, BARMER would like to use the German Sustainability Prize for Health to promote future-oriented projects in the climate-relevant health sector and to advance the discussion about sustainable care. Because one thing is clear: climate protection is health protection – and the most important investment in a future worth living.

Find out more about the German Sustainability Prize for Health, the winners, finalists and the jury
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