Note the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in London

Note the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in London

Unnoticed, quite a few people go to the British capital London by car, also from our country. With the Ultra Low Emission Zone, or ULEZ, in London, you have to be careful not to pay too much unnecessarily.

We limit ourselves here to what you should do if you enter London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone with your car, van or motorhome. Especially since from August 23, 2023, all boroughs of London will be affected by this. So even if you don’t have to be in the center.

Cars allowed to drive in London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone

The aim of the Ultra Low Emission Zone in London is to improve air quality. The measure therefore aims to encourage people to use cleaner cars. Only younger cars are allowed to drive in the zone without restriction:

  • with petrol engine Euro 4 and newer (NOx), built from 2005
  • with diesel engine Euro 6 and newer (NOx and particulate matter), built from September 2015.

If you have a car that does not meet the requirements, you pay £ 12.50 per day that you drive.

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Registration foreign car without ULEZ Charge in London

Now you can for one easy to check car with a British license plate whether you have to pay within the low-emission zone. However, in principle you have to pay for a non-UK number plate, unless you register the car. Then you will receive confirmation that he can drive in the environmental zone without a surcharge.

If your car meets the criteria for the ULEZ, then you must register with EPC plc. You must specify the type of car and registration number and possibly also prove (via a photo of the registration card) that your car meets the environmental requirements. Within ten working days you will receive an e-mail confirming whether your car has been approved for free driving in the environmental zone. Do that registration on time. All days that you have not yet received the confirmation, you must pay the ULEZ charge.

This is how you pay the ULEZ charge

You can pay the amounts you have to pay when you drive in the Ultra Low Emission Zone in a few ways:

  • Online
  • Via the TfL Pay to drive in London app for iOS and Android
  • Phone: +44 343 222 2222
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Congestion Charge comes on top of ULEZ

If you drive your car in central London during the day at times when the Congestion Charge applies, you will also have to pay that surcharge.

– Thanks for information from

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