One of the smallest features in iOS 13 may be one of the best. From now on, your iPhone will extend the life of your battery in a smart way, thanks to ‘optimized charging’.
This is how iOS 13 optimized charging works
With the new battery function, Apple is more concerned with keeping your iPhone battery healthy. In this way, the battery retains its capacity for longer, so that even after years of use, you still have a device that can last for hours without a socket.
This works as follows. As soon as you turn on the function in the Battery settings, your iPhone will look at the times when you usually charge the battery. Based on this information, it is then estimated how fast the battery is charged.
For example, many people plug their iPhone into the wall socket before going to sleep. At that point, your iPhone will start charging from iOS 13 onwards, but the phone will stop once the 80 percent percentage is reached. After that, the device will stop charging until about an hour before you get up each day.
At that point, the last twenty percent is filled, so that your iPhone is full when you get out of bed as always. The last twenty percent is added to your battery at a much slower rate. The big difference is that this intermediate step is much better for the health of the lithium-ion battery in the smartphone. As a result, the battery retains its full capacity for longer and wears out less quickly.
Function only proves its usefulness after a long time
You will not notice that immediately if you have just bought a new iPhone, but over time an iPhone with this function will last longer than one with the option turned off. iOS 13 Optimized Charging is now available as part of the update for all supporting iPhones.
Do you want to know more about iOS 13? Then check out our review of the update, or watch our video review in which we have listed our top nine favorite functions for you.