Playlist in a Bottle: put together your playlist for 2024 on Spotify now

Of Playlist in a Bottle you can now put together your playlist for 2024 on Spotify. Read here how the new Spotify function works!

Playlist in a Bottle: your own time capsule

Every year, Spotify launches its annual retrospective campaign on your musical year. After Spotify Wrapped, the company has come up with something new: instead of looking back, you start looking ahead. And not just a little bit, because you are already making your first playlist for 2024.

Also Read: Why Everyone Should Boycott Spotify Wrapped 2022

Spotify lets you choose a few songs that remind you of certain situations. These numbers are then saved and, as it were, kept “in a bottle” until next year. How do you make your Playlist in a Bottle on Spotify?

Spotify playlist in a bottle

This is how you create your playlist for 2024

The new feature has just been launched by Spotify and will appear automatically when you open the Spotify app. Before you can actually choose numbers, you must first answer a number of practical questions. The most important question of course: in which bottle will you keep your playlist for 2024?

After this you will receive three questions, where you have to link one or more numbers to certain thoughts. Which song reminds you of your favorite person? And which song should you hear live this year? All questions that will form your playlist for 2024.

We advise you to choose more than one song per question, because your chosen songs will ultimately form the playlist. The more songs you put in, the more music you’ll have to look back on next year. Next year you may fill in completely different numbers than you would now, but then you can still see how you thought about it a year ago. How nice is that!

Spotify playlist in a bottle

Can’t wait? You can find yours via this link Playlist in a Bottle

Spotify’s new feature will most likely appear this weekend in the Netherlands. Can’t wait to put together your Playlist in a Bottle on Spotify? Then make your playlist for 2024 via the Spotify website!

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