Prevent blisters while hiking: 8 tips that really help

Prevent blisters while hiking: 8 tips that really help
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Herman

Blisters on your feet can spoil the most beautiful hike. Luckily, you can avoid blisters with a few simple tips. We show you eight helpful tips.

It rubs and presses and it’s happened: A blister has formed on your heel. These arise when a cavity forms under the skin layers that are normally tight together, in which tissue fluid collects. Blisters often occur, especially when hiking, because you keep repeating the same movements over a longer period of time. In addition, your feet get sweaty in the thick hiking boots and the moisture increases friction, which can lead to blisters.

Blisters can not only be uncomfortable when running, they can also cause pain. If the blister also bursts, it creates an open wound that makes the pain even worse. With our eight tips, it doesn’t have to come to that: They help you to prevent blisters when hiking.

Prevent blisters when hiking with the right equipment

Band-aids prevent blisters from forming.
Band-aids prevent blisters from forming.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / msumuh)

Preparation is everything – this also applies to hiking. And with the right and above all suitable equipment, you can also prevent blisters when hiking.

  • Matching hiking shoes: The shoes should fit really well, neither too big nor too small for you. It’s best if you run them walking boots before the first hike to prevent blisters. Wear the shoes again and again for a short period of time, for example at home when tidying up or on a short walk. Breaking in new shoes is important as the material has yet to adapt to your feet.
  • Pay attention to the correct lacing: Incorrect lacing can also lead to pressure points and blisters. Try different lacings before your tour starts. Then use the one that pushes the least. However, you should still have a good grip in your hiking boots.
  • hiking socks: The socks should be close-fitting and not wrinkled. They should also catch the sweat so that there is no friction. Hiking socks are recommended for this merino wool. Incidentally, running socks are designed differently than hiking socks because they have to withstand different loads. So they are not suitable for hiking. There are also special anti-blister socks that are double-layered. Inside and outside move in opposite directions to prevent the formation of a bubble.
  • Plaster and tape: If you know you’re prone to blisters in certain areas, you can protect those areas as a precaution. Just stick a plaster or some tape over it, for example on the heel. The skin should be clean and dry to prevent the patch from wrinkling. If blisters have already formed, a blister plaster can help. The gel cushion protects the skin or the blister under the plaster and you don’t wear yourself out any further.

Preventing blisters while hiking: There are other things you can do

Airing shoes can prevent blisters when hiking.
Airing shoes can prevent blisters when hiking.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / LUM3N)

In addition to the right equipment, a few simple habits can also help to prevent blisters when hiking:

  • Avoid wet feet: Wetness softens the skin. This makes it more prone to blisters. To prevent this, it is advisable to take a second pair of socks with you hiking backpack to have. Because it doesn’t matter whether it’s sweat, a rain shower or a detour through a stream – when hiking you come across many situations in which your feet can get wet.
  • Airing: Take off your hiking boots and socks at every break and let them dry. This prevents the moisture caused by sweat from causing friction.
  • Good foot care: Cut your toenails before the hiking tour. Toenails that are too long can pinch and cause blisters, especially when walking downhill. It can also be helpful if you moisturize your feet regularly. This makes the skin more supple, making it less prone to developing blisters. You can read here how to properly care for your feet: Beautiful feet: tips for natural care
  • Remove small stones and sand immediately: If you feel that something is stuck in your shoe, you shouldn’t wait until the next break. It’s best to take off your shoes right away and remove small stones, sand and other troublemakers immediately.


  • Sustainable hiking: 5 tips for the harmony between people and nature
  • Proper care for hiking boots: This is how they have a long life
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