TripIt is now an old-timer when it comes to useful apps for traveling.

Dennis Gandasoebrata

Review TripIt: central storage for travel documents

The operation of Tripit is simple, but very useful: it offers a central collection point for all kinds of travel documents. This includes information that comes to you largely in an unstructured form, such as airline tickets, reservations and entrance tickets. The app watches you and distills information from, for example, an email and places it in a standard format in the app.

You can then use the structured data for yourself, but you can also use it to keep those at home informed of the travel details. The app also keeps track of some statistics and provides (socially responsible) tips. This way you can determine the level of CO2emissions from your trip and read advice on reducing carbon emissions. Similar to other travel apps, TripIt keeps track of statistics about your trip. This includes the distances you have traveled and an overview of the locations you have visited. The details can also be sorted by time unit: interesting if you are interested in comparing years.

The app supports widgets, so you can quickly see important information about your trip without having to open the app.

TripIt ( stars 4 5 331

4 and half stars

Price: Free (includes in-app purchases)
System requirements: Android (version varies by device), iOS 15.0+
Language: Dutch, English