Rijkswaterstaat is conducting tests to solve traffic jams faster

Rijkswaterstaat is conducting tests to solve traffic jams faster

Rijkswaterstaat is conducting tests to solve traffic jams faster. These are mainly aimed at dealing with an accident more quickly in order to keep delays to a minimum.

Especially if there is congestion on the highway due to an accident or breakdown, according to the road manager, action can be taken much more efficiently by making smarter use of data and new techniques, reports The Telegraph. “There is still room for improvement in the field of incident management. It is important to have an overview of incidents earlier and thus get road stewards to the scene even faster. If this is successful, they can take immediate measures and the incident can be resolved earlier. That can save the road user many minutes of time,” RWS spokesman Diederik Fleuren told the newspaper.

Recently, RWS has investigated the possibilities and benefits with five trials, which were initially only carried out in one region. “But because the first results are promising, we have now decided to run them nationally to also get results on a larger scale,” says Fleuren. It is not clear which concrete techniques and data RWS uses. Cloud data may play an important role, such as movement data from Google Maps or other navigation services. Traffic flows and therefore also congestion quickly come into the picture.

– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl

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