
Brown dwarf turns out to be a binary system

Gliese 229B was the first brown dwarf discovered by astronomers. Now it turns out that it actually consists of two small brown dwarfs that...

Euclid Space Telescope delivers first mosaic

Overview of the mosaic of 206 observations from the Euclid Space Telescope. It covers around 500 times the area of ​​the full moon in...

CO2 ice and hydrogen peroxide detected on Pluto’s moon Charon

This spectrum, created by the James Webb Telescope, shows the signatures of various molecules on Pluto's moon Charon. © Silvia Protopapa (SwRI), Ian Wong...

Astronomers find exoplanets around Barnard’s star

There is at least one small rocky planet around the red dwarf Barnard's Star, which is only six light-years away. © ESO/M. grain knife ...

Most detailed infrared map of our Milky Way

Selection of Milky Way objects recorded by the VISTA infrared telescope as part of the VVV and VVVX surveys. © ESO/VVVX survey ...

Cosmic mega-jets discovered

Artist's impression of the record-breaking jet pair "Porphyrion". E. Wernquist / D. Nelson (IllustrisTNG Collaboration) / M. Oei ...

Black hole prevents star formation

The early galaxy GS-10578 hardly forms any new stars anymore, although it existed during a time of intense galaxy growth in the young cosmos....

Stellar “bubbling” observed

Video: A time-lapse image of R Doradus shows hot bubbles – 75...

Event Horizon Telescope now sees more clearly

This simulation shows what a black hole similar to Sagittarius A* looks like at the current wavelength of 1300 micrometers and how much sharper...

JUICE space probe on home visit

The European space probe JUICE will perform a double flyby maneuver on the Moon and Earth on its way to the Jupiter system. ©...

What the quantum world “expects” from us

Quantum physics poses great challenges to the human imagination. © koto_feja/iStock Paradoxical effects,...

Liquid water in the Martian crust?

Large amounts of liquid water could be stored in the cracks and pores of the rock in the middle crust of Mars. © James...

Nerves of gold

Sometimes you wish you had the famous nerves made of steel. But...

Using blood thinners against cobra bites

It stands up, looks you in the eyes and fires: Spitting cobras...

Planet with highly eccentric orbit discovered

Video: Artist's impression of the unusually elliptical orbit of the planet TIC...

Lunar lava cave discovered in the Sea of ​​Tranquility

View of the Mare Tranquillitatis Pit in the lunar Sea of ​​Tranquility. © NASA/GSFC/ Arizona State University ...

An intermediate black hole in the globular cluster

Overview of the globular cluster Omega Centauri (left), a magnified section of the central region of the cluster and the probable position of the...

Mini meteorites analyzed from house roof

On the left is the micrometeorite with a "nose", on the right is the particularly long-travelled tiny creature with a turtle-like appearance....

Mars: More meteorite impacts than expected

Two meteorite impacts, first detected by the InSight spacecraft's seismometer and then confirmed by images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. © NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona ...

An early black hole reveals secrets

Artist's impression of a so-called quasar: A black hole surrounded by a bright accretion disk and a dust torus. © T. Müller / MPIA ...

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