
Active volcanoes on Venus?

The red areas on the western flank of the Venus volcano Sif Mons show where the surface has changed between two overflights of the...

“Hoarfrost” on the summits of Mars’ volcanoes

View of the summit crater of Olympus Mons with bluish-white water ice deposits.© Adomas Valantinas ...

Electrostatic sense for enemies

When they feel threatened, the caterpillars of many butterfly species roll up. © Sam England ...

Where does the solar magnetic field originate?

What drives the solar dynamo and thus the magnetic fields and sunspot activity on the sun? © NASA/Goddard, SDO ...

New electricity storage – the key to the energy transition

Conventional combustion engines will soon be obsolete because car traffic needs to become more climate-friendly. But what comes next?... more In 2011, Germany decided...

Astronomical splendor with a bright story

The beautiful HD 148937 system has a dramatic development history. © ESO/VPHAS+ team. Acknowledgment: CASU ...

Record-sized black hole discovered

Video: The record eclipse (red orbit) gave itself away through the wobbling...

Quantum simulation: tracking down the secrets of the microcosm

The interactions of atoms with laser light play a central role in quantum physics experiments. © Mikhail Rudenko/iStock ...

Bio-brick construction in space

Illustration of the formation of peptide substances in space. © Yves Almecija - CNRS ...

Mega burst of radiation from a magnetar

Magnetars have the strongest known magnetic fields in the universe. Artist’s impression © ESA ...

Why Venus is so parched

Artist's impression of the process by which HCO+ ions react with electrons, causing hydrogen atoms (orange) to escape. © Aurore Simonnet / Atmospheric...

A super-Earth atmosphere in sight

Artist's impression of the exoplanet 55 Cancri e, which is about twice the size of Earth and orbits closely around its host star. ...

What the famous 1987A supernova left behind

The signature of ionized argon gas (right) in the 1987A supernova cloud has provided clues to the existence of a neutron star at the...

Food trail discovered on cannibalistic star

Artist's impression of the white dwarf WD 0816-310, its magnetic field and the disk made of debris from the former planetary system. ©...

Neighboring stars can blow away planet-building material

Image of the Orion Nebula and zoom on the protoplanetary disk d203-506, taken with the James Webb Space Telescope. © Background image: NASA/ESA/CSA/S....

How much oxygen is there on the ocean moon?

Charged particles from Jupiter split frozen water molecules on Europa into oxygen and hydrogen. Some O₂ could then be bound in the ice...

Not every supposed northern light is a real aurora

A normal aurora (left) consists of glowing curtains of red, green and blue. An “enhanced aurora” (right) contains a thin, brighter layer that...

CO₂ poverty could reveal the ease of living

Compared to its neighboring planets, the Earth has a low CO₂ content in the atmosphere, which is mainly due to the binding of the...

Supernovae provide new data on dark energy

The Dark Energy Survey measured the distance and redshift of almost 1,500 supernovae. This provides information about the cosmic expansion and the effect...

Supernova explosion with dense results

Artist's impression of the supernova in astronomers' sights. © ESO/L. Calcada A look at the formation of a super-compact celestial body: Astronomers have observed a...

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