Two ships are slowly approaching each other in the twilight of the Arctic polar winter: they are the "Polarstern" and their Russian supply icebreaker...
Close-up of a Rangeomorpha fossil from Newfoundland. (Image: Alex Liu)
Fern-like organisms without mouth and organs were among the first multicellular animals on our planet....
This pillow basalt formed the bedrock of the Urozeans 3.2 billion years ago. (Image: Benjamin Johnson)
Oceans now cover three quarters of our planet. But...
What was Facivermis from the Cambrian seas? (Image: Franz Anthony)
Leg loss 518 million years ago: Researchers have solved the riddle of a bizarre prehistoric...
The Dhaba site in India (Image: Christina Neudorf)
When the Toba volcano erupted 74,000 years ago, this had worldwide consequences. But they were obviously less...
Artist's impression of the original green algae. (Image: Dinghua Yang)
Tiny plants - a billion years old: Researchers have discovered the oldest known fossils of...
Skull fossil of the newly discovered mini lizard Vellbergia bartholomaei (Image: Sobral et al. 2020 / CC-by-sa 4.0)
Reptiles are a species-rich class of vertebrates:...
What seems like a colorful flower here is actually the work of bacteria. The microbes become artists under certain conditions - and form fascinating...
In regions like Scandinavia and Alaska, colorful lighting effects in the sky are not uncommon. Nevertheless, this aurora is something very special: it is...
Sustainable forestry could enable a material revolution. (Image: Sabine Hortebusch / iStock)
Instead of using cement and steel, we should rely on a tried-and-tested natural...