Start of Formula E season postponed for two months

The Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) has delayed the start of the Formula E season by at least two months. The motivation behind this is easy to guess. Indeed: concerns about the further spread of the coronavirus.

Last week, the FIA ​​not only put an end to the opening race in Melbourne that should have taken place last weekend, the Grands Prix of Bahrain and Vietman were also postponed to an as yet unknown moment. The corona virus also has consequences for the Formula E season.

FIA has put so-called red flags at all Formula E races that would take place in March and April. That means that no race will be held in those months. Races in Paris, Seoul and Jakarta will therefore not take place on the planned dates. The month of May is marked as yellow. This means that it is possible that races will be held in that month, but that is also not certain. June and July are as yet classified as green. This means that if the situation around the cornonavirus stabilizes, racing will start in those months. Canceled races will be run at a later time. FIA is in contact with local authorities about this.

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