It really doesn’t want to go smoothly
While the SEPP subsidy pot for used electric cars was emptied to the last cent more than two weeks ago, the pot containing millions to make the purchase of a new electric car more attractive will not be empty before the end of this year. At the time of writing, there is a budget available for no fewer than 14,000 new electric cars.
As predicted by AutoWeek in October, the last euros were withdrawn before the end of November from the subsidy pot that was created at the beginning of this year to encourage the purchase of second-hand electric cars. On November 20, the €32.4 million SEPP subsidy for used EVs had been fully forgiven. This year, subsidies have been awarded for 16,200 second-hand electric cars with an original list value of up to €45,000. Sales of new electric cars do not seem to be going smoothly yet.
On the day that the SEPP subsidy pot for used EVs was completely depleted, of the €67 million for new electric cars with a list value of up to €45,000, 41 percent remained. Today – just over two weeks later – that percentage is 37.6 percent. There is therefore still €41.84 million available. You can receive a compensation of €2,950 on a new electric car worth a maximum of 45 grand. This means that there is still a budget available for 14,183 new EVs and a subsidy has been requested for almost 8,530 new electric cars. In the past two weeks, subsidies have been applied for for approximately 765 new electric cars.
What will it look like next year? You can also apply for a purchase subsidy on the purchase of a new or used electric car in 2024. For new electric cars with a tax value of up to 45 grand, that amount remains at €2,950. It will therefore not be scaled back to €2,550 as previously announced. The subsidy amount for used electric cars also remains unchanged (€2,000).
– Thanks for information from