Swollen legs can be a torment. In this article, you’ll learn how to get some relief with simple home remedies.
Swollen legs and thick feet quickly become very painful and feel much heavier than usual. Swollen legs are particularly common in summer when it is very hot and cause us additional problems in addition to the temperatures. But heat is not the only thing that can lead to swollen legs.
Swollen legs: The causes
If you suffer from swollen legs, there can be many reasons for this. The following reasons could be behind this annoying condition:
Overexertion: After a long day at work – especially if you have to stand a lot – your legs can swell. This is because they have been subjected to one-sided strain for hours: This has caused blood to pool in the leg veins and fluid to collect in the tissue. Colloquially, this is also referred to as “water in the legs”. An unnatural gait can also lead to cramps and thus poorer blood circulation. This in turn can cause swelling.
Hot days: As already mentioned, the blood vessels expand on hot summer days. This slows down blood circulation and fluid is released into the tissue. This can also cause the legs to swell.
Illnesses: Circulatory problems, lymphatic diseases, inflammation of the arteries or even tumors can also be the cause of your swollen legs. If one leg is more swollen than the other, this often indicates such an illness. In such cases, we advise you to see a doctor immediately.
Internal organs: Diseases of the internal organs such as the heart, kidneys or liver can also cause your legs to swell. This often happens on both sides.
- Interactions with certain medications may also have caused the swelling. This side effect can occur, for example, with medications taken to treat heart failure.
Other causes: The list of possible causes is long – hives or hormonal disorders, such as those caused by menopause, can also be responsible.
Swollen legs: How to treat them
Swollen legs can have various causes. Therefore, it is often not possible to determine the exact cause and only the symptoms can be treated. If your legs swell for a long time or repeatedly, you should see a doctor.
You can use the following home remedies to combat swelling:
Put your feet up: This simple, immediate measure relieves the pressure on the blood vessels. Also avoid major exertion.
Cool your legs: This causes the blood vessels to contract, which transports the stored water away.
Home remedies for swelling include wet compresses.
Comfortable shoes: especially in high temperatures. The more comfortable you feel in them, the less your calf muscles will cramp. This reduces the risk of swollen legs.
- Make sure you eat a healthy and balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids. Especially in summer, you should drink plenty of water and tea. Both help to lower blood pressure and thus relieve the strain on the kidneys and bloodstream.
More exercise in everyday life: Especially if you have sedentary jobs, you should make sure to bring some variety into your everyday life. You can get up for a few minutes in the office and go for a run or take a short walk during your lunch break. It’s best to do regular exercise in your free time – this is another way to avoid swollen legs. This article gives you some suggestions: Doing sport: How to find the right sport.
- Compression stockings can also help with chronic problems. They put pressure on the legs and prevent fluid retention. Your doctor can prescribe these stockings for you.
Read more on Techzle\.com:
- Muscle pain in legs and thighs: These home remedies help
- Tingling in the legs: causes and effective remedies
- Swollen eyes: causes and remedies
Revised by Lea Hermann
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