This is how you make slide models in PowerPoint

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If you regularly make a PowerPoint presentation that has to meet your own house style, you probably use a template. That is probably not always enough. To really implement such a house style, you also have to make a slide master, so you can create slide master in PowerPoint

Step 1: Model view

In a slide master you determine the font, possibly the logos, the background and the colors to be used. When a user of this model adds a new slide, it immediately gets the right looks. Of course you can still choose the format you need: a title slide, a title with object, three columns and so on. A big advantage of such a slide master is that you can easily make style changes in all slides of the presentation by only adjusting the slide master. Open an empty presentation and go to the tab Statue where you are in the group Model views on Slide master clicks. This will display an empty slide master with the corresponding default layouts in the left bar.

Model view
To create a corporate identity, it is best to start with an empty model.

Step 2: Shaping

You can adjust this slide master via the menu at the top. You select a layout, place a new background or choose a theme. If you want, you can now apply a logo that will appear on every new slide. Also set the font and adjust the color scheme. Then take a critical look at the layouts. You may need a layout for an image next to a chart, or one that has three images. You can add new formats in the tab Slide master. You can remove formats that you don’t plan to ever use. To do this, right-click on the layout and choose Delete format.

The same basic layout will appear on all formats.

Step 3: Template

When you are finished editing the slide master, click the tab Slide master Bee Close on Close model view. You will then see a presentation of only one slide. Now save it as a template to prevent anyone from modifying its elements. Choose File / Save As and select PowerPoint template. From now on, when someone wants to create a new slide from the template, they can choose from all the layouts associated with the formatted slide master.


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