This is how you manage widgets on your iPhone

To view the most important and most current data on your iPhone at a glance, use widgets. By default you get for example stock prices, the weather and news. But you can customize the widgets to your heart’s content. In this article, you will learn how to sort, add and delete your widgets on iPhone.

Sort widgets

With a swipe to the right in the home or access screen of your iPhone, you can view your widgets. A handy search bar appears at the top, below which you will find a number of widgets. To change the order, scroll all the way down and tap Change. Then you get an overview of all apps for which widgets are available. By tapping the three dashes on the far right, you can move a particular widget up or down. Confirm with Ready. Some widgets you can customize even further. You can, for example, expand or collapse a menu using the check mark in the top right corner.

Add widgets

Adding widgets works much the same way. Click at the bottom Change to get into the list, scroll down and then tap the green plus signs to put widgets of certain apps in your overview. Some apps have multiple widgets available. So you can reach Cards for example choose between Cards: close to and Maps: public transport. The default widget Tips recommended. It gives you useful facts about the use of your iPhone. If new widgets are available, you will receive a notification at the bottom of the overview.

Add widgets
Adding a widget is very easy.

Remove widgets

Are there widgets in your overview that you never actually view or use? Then you can also easily remove it with the red minus sign. Confirm your choice with Delete. Handy, because too many widgets make your feed cluttered. Complete your action with the Ready-button.


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