The notifications that keep arriving in the Windows action center, the central place for your incoming notifications, only remain in the picture for a very short time. You hardly have the time to see them properly. Do not get rushed and decide for yourself how long notifications remain visible in Windows 10.
From five seconds to five minutes
The notifications will only appear in the Windows system tray for five seconds, because that is the default time. You can easily change this in the Settings. Press Windows key + I and open the item Accessibility. Then click on the part Display where you scroll to the group Windows simplify and customize your personal preference. There you will find the selection menu to determine the duration of the reports. You can choose between six settings: five, seven, fifteen, thirty seconds and one or five minutes. The choice you make applies to all notifications and cannot be set per individual app. The change takes effect immediately after you select the new value.

Isn’t the display duration you would like in this drop-down menu? There are solutions for that too, but then you have to adjust the registry a bit. Open the Start menu and type in the search box registry editor. Once the Registry Editor is open, open the folder HKEY_CURRENT USER where you get the folder Control Panel opens and from there Accessibility. When you Accessibility you will find the item in the right part MessageDuration which is set to the 32bit value 0x00000005 (5). Double click on MessageDuration and activate the setting Decimal. This way you can type exactly the number of seconds that the message should remain on the screen from now on.

Now that you are busy with the notifications, you can immediately check which applications are allowed to send you notifications. Again press Windows key + I and then go to System where you get the part Notifications and Actions opens. First you will see a lot of switches that affect all notifications and below that is the list of all senders who are allowed to send you notifications. Bet there are several applications here that you didn’t even know could send notifications ?! Here you can separate the wheat from the chaff.