This is why you need to uninstall Kaspersky on your iPhone or Mac quickly

Do you use Kaspersky software on your iPhone or Mac? Now it’s time to say goodbye. According to sources, the Russian government can use the program for cyber attacks.

German BSI warns against Kaspersky

The news comes via the German BSI, which deals with IT security. The government agency has issued an official warning for “the use of antivirus software from Russian developer Kaspersky.” According to the BSI, the war in Ukraine has lost confidence in Kaspersky’s ‘trustworthiness’ and ‘authentic ability to act’.

For example, the BSI says that a Russian IT manufacturer can carry out cyber attacks itself, that it can be forced to attack other systems or that it itself becomes a victim of a cyber attack. In the latter case, the apps and programs can be used to carry out attacks against its own customers.

Kaspersky: we’re not helping!

The BSI therefore recommends replacing apps and programs of antivirus software from Kaspersky with alternative products. In a first statement, the manufacturer informs the German frenzy online that he is being treated unfairly: “Kaspersky is an international, independent, private company with no ties to governments, including Russia. We have never helped a government with cyber espionage and never will.

In the Netherlands, Kaspersky was already out of the question

Incidentally, the Dutch government had already decided in 2018 that antivirus software may no longer be used. At the time, this was a precautionary measure because there was a risk that the Russian secret service could use the software to spy on the Netherlands.

The analysis which formed the basis for this advice, has been made public since the beginning of this month. It also states that there is a good chance that Kaspersky will have to cooperate with the Russian state against his will. In short: do you still have software from Kaspersky somewhere on your devices? Then remove it as soon as possible.

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