This way you get the classic start-up sound back on your MacBook

Do you want the Mac startup sound back on your MacBook Pro? With a simple command you can do it again.

From 2016, Macs no longer have the familiar startup sound. Since 1998 you could hear the sound when starting up every Mac. Although Apple has good reasons to omit the startup sound of the MacBook, we understand that you still want to hear the sound out of nostalgia. This is possible thanks to the steps in this article.

This way you get the startup sound of the MacBook back

The MacBook Pro of 2016 and later will start automatically when you open the screen. In addition, you will not hear any sound because this is switched off by default. With a simple Terminal command you can still get it back:

  1. Open the Terminal in macOS.
  2. Enter the command below and press Enter.

sudo nvram StartupMute=%00

  1. Enter your admin password and press Enter.
  2. Close the Terminal and restart your Mac.

If you want to go back to the silent boot process without a Mac sound, you can do this with the following command:

sudo nvram StartupMute=%01

This command works with most Macs, but may not work with all. If it does not have the desired effect, you can also try the following command:

sudo nvram BootAudio=%01

To undo this command, enter this code in the Terminal:

sudo nvram BootAudio=%00

Disable automatic startup

You can also switch off the automatic start-up of your MacBook when plugging in or opening the screen. For this you must have the AutoBoot function. Enter the following command in the Terminal:

sudo nvram AutoBoot=%00

And if you want to go back to the old situation, you type:

sudo nvram AutoBoot=%03

If you want to hear all the other start-up sounds, you can find them in the video below:


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