This way you give apps on your Chromebook access to the SD card

This way you give apps on your Chromebook access to the SD card

You can put certain downloads on a micro SD card instead of the internal memory of your Chromebook. But for that you have to go through a few steps. This way you give apps such as Netflix and Plex access to the micro SD card as a Chromebook user.

Since a Chromebook is made with working online in mind, it is not surprising that different models are equipped with little internal memory. Fortunately, many models do have a micro-SD card slot, with which you can expand the memory very quickly. That is great for people who have to work offline for a while or want to download certain files on a Chromebook.

Micro SD card in your Chromebook

Before that, however, you have to give permission for apps to place something on the micro-sd card. You do that through to the settings from your Chromebook. Then you open the device settings and select the option to manage your memory. You can also use a term like ‘memory management‘in the search bar, you will automatically encounter the option. In this new screen you will see the name of your micro-sd card, with a slider to the right of it. Drag it from left to right. If it is blue, then you have successfully completed the action.

Now the system is supposed to reboot itself. After booting, go to the Chrome OS settings and choose the cup Google Play Store. Under that heading is an option with which you can use the Android preferences sets. In this case you can also use the word ‘Android‘in the search field, you will also end up here.

The applications

In the next screen, select the option for applications and notifications. Here you will find a list of installed Android applications. Scroll through that list until you find the app you want to use the micro SD card (e.g. Netflix). At the top you can also simply look up the app you need, using the search field. Unfortunately, it is not possible to give multiple apps access to your SD card at the same time. This is a manual operation.

Do you have the app on the screen you were looking for? Then open it and choose the permissions option in the next screen. Here you can indicate that you want the app to have permission to access the memory. You have to swipe the slider from left to right again. Then it is important that you go to the app in question and adjust the download location there. Some apps offer this option, such as the aforementioned Netflix app. In many cases you can choose whether the download location is an internal or external location. The micro SD card is an external location.

Have you done this for the apps you envisioned? Then it is best to close all apps and restart them. From that moment on, the installed apps have access to the micro SD card in your Chromebook.


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