This way you use multiple WhatsApp accounts

WhatsApp fingerprint security setting

With your mobile phone it is officially not possible to use several WhatsApp accounts at the same time, something that will work on your laptop or desktop computer. Using Altus, an open source program, you log in to different accounts, each with their own tab.

Install Altus

Some people use more than one WhatsApp account to separate their business communications from their private messages. WhatsApp is pretty clear on its website though: your account can only be verified with one number on one device. Still, you can try using your computer to access multiple WhatsApp accounts at the same time by using a different browser for each account and then logging in to the web version of WhatsApp. However, it can be easier with a tool that divides communication into different tabs. Download for that Altus. There is a version for macOS, Windows and Linux. During installation, you may receive a warning from Windows Defender. You can ignore it and continue with the installation.

Altus is a desktop client for WhatsApp so you can use different accounts simultaneously.


In the window Add Instance first give the tab a name. You can also check here whether you want to receive notifications and whether you want to switch on the sound. Below that you choose the theme: standard or dark. Then click on the button Add Tab. Then open WhatsApp on your smartphone and go to the settings WhatsApp Web so you can scan the qr code. This is how you connect the phone to the web view of WhatsApp. To connect a second account, you have to create a new tab. To do this, click on the green plus sign in the navigation bar. You can repeat this procedure as often as you have accounts.

Use the plus button to create a tab for each account.

Custom theme

Altus settles into the system tray. You can therefore minimize the app. You will then receive notifications from the system tray icon. You can give each account a different theme and even create custom themes. Go to the menu Theme and select the command Custom Theme. You can create your own theme by choosing colors for the background, text, icons and so on. You can name each theme that you put together in this way.

Create your own theme.

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