‘Traffic on workdays decreased by about 8 percent’

‘Traffic on workdays decreased by about 8 percent’

Things have calmed down a bit on the road since the stricter work-from-home advice came into effect. This also clearly translates into fewer traffic jams. Yet it is nothing compared to the peace during the first lockdown in 2020.

The Dutch are more likely to leave their car at home since the advice is to only go to the office if there is no other option. Last week there were about 8 percent fewer passenger cars on the road on working days. On the Friday before, the government adjusted the work from home advice to prevent the spread of the corona virus. This is reported by the National Road Traffic Data Portal (NDW), which is also registering a decrease in traffic jams. However, there are still not nearly as few passenger cars on the road as at the low point in April 2020, during the first lockdown. Traffic density would have to halve during working weeks to reach that level.

The number of traffic jams was about half during working days last week. This was noticeable right at the start of the week. The researchers looked at the traffic congestion. They calculate this by multiplying the number of minutes of traffic jam by the number of kilometers.

It is not only the traffic on the roads that has decreased somewhat. It has also been noted in the cities that people are staying away more. Since the introduction of the new measures, there has been a slight decrease in the number of paid parking actions.

– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl

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