Twitter Circle was recently announced and is now available to everyone. This feature allows you to send tweets to a select group, such as your friends or colleagues.
Twitter Circle
Twitter Circle can be compared to the ‘Best Friends’ on Instagram Stories or the circles we used to use in Google+. You share your tweets with your selected followers in a Circle on Twitter.
What’s the difference with Twitter Communities?
A Twitter Circle is very similar to the Twitter Communities, but it is something different. In the Communities, people with the same interests can discuss with each other in separate groups. In a Circle you only share tweets with the people you choose.
What is the difference with a private account?
Do you have a protected account instead of a public account? Then only your followers can see your tweets. You set your account to private once, and it stays that way until you turn it off again.
With Twitter Circle, whenever you compose a tweet, choose the group of people you want to share the tweet with. You can switch between tweeting to a Circle and tweeting to all your followers.
Who can create a Twitter Circle?
Anyone can send a message to a Twitter Circle.
Who can see the people in my Twitter Circle?
Only you can see the full list of people in your Twitter Circle. So people don’t get to see your Circle members. However, they can see when someone shares, likes or replies to a message in a Twitter Circle. Do you have a protected account? Then only your followers who are also in your Twitter Circle will see this interaction.
How do I create a Twitter Circle?
- Open the Twitter app on your phone
- Tap the blue button at the bottom right
- Tap on Tweet
- Tap on Public and then on Twitter Circle -> Edit
- Add the people to your Circle and tap the arrow in the top left to go back to your tweet
- You can now send a message to your Circle!
A few more important things to know
- You can only have one Twitter Circle.
- You can add up to 150 people to your Twitter Circle.
- If you don’t want to see someone’s Twitter Circle tweets, unfollow or block the person, or ignore the conversation.
Are you going to use the Twitter Circle? Let us know in the comments below.
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– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source