If you receive a lot of mail, you can use message rules to have e-mails arrive automatically in the desired way.
Message Rules in Gmail
Message rules automatically process emails that meet certain conditions. You decide how. For example, send e-mails from certain senders directly to a folder, or automatically mark messages from a certain sender as important. In Gmail, message rules are called ‘filters’.
Filter email automatically
It is not possible to create filters in the Gmail mobile app. Create filters for Gmail using the browser as follows:
- Go to gmail.com.
- Log in if necessary.
- Click on the down arrow in the search bar.
- A drop-down window will open. Sort emails here based on different characteristics. Fill in one or more of the fields below:
- Click behind ‘From’ and type an e-mail address if you want to filter all mail from a specific sender.
- Click behind ‘To’ and enter an e-mail address if you want to filter mail addressed to a specific e-mail address.
- Click behind ‘Subject’ and type a subject to filter on, for example ‘invoice’ or ‘newsletter’.
- Click behind ‘With the words’ and type one or more keywords to filter emails on them.
- The other options are useful for searching the mailbox, but are less useful for filtering e-mail.
- If you have filled in one or more fields, click on Create filter.
- In the next screen, click on one or more actions and click Create filter.
- For example: click on Apply the label to send emails to a specific folder. click on Choose label and click on a folder. click on Create filter to confirm.
You have now created a filter. Gmail processes new emails that meet the conditions, as indicated. Filters only work for new emails. If you also want to clean up old e-mails, consult the article ‘Email clear and tidy’.
Remove filters from Gmail
If you don’t like a filter, edit or delete it as follows:
- Click the gear icon in the top right to go to settings.
- A drop-down box with quick settings opens. Click at the top View all settings.
- Under ‘Settings’ there are all kinds of tabs. click on Filters and blocked addresses.
- The filters are listed below each other. Click behind the filter on To process > Get on to change it.
- Click behind the filter on remove > OK not to use it anymore.