Using Facebook on iPhone

facebook for iphone

The social network Facebook is always at your fingertips on your iPhone. Install the free app and stay in touch with friends.

Facebook is extremely popular worldwide. Billions of people use the social network to see what is happening in the world (of acquaintances). On the computer you have via the website access to the media. However, Facebook also has an app for smartphones and tablets. With this, Facebook is always within reach.

The Facebook app is available for free in the App Store.

  • Tap the app App Store.
  • At the bottom of the window, tap Search.
  • Tap the search bar at the top of the window.
  • Type ‘Facebook’ and tap the blue button Search.
  • The search results appear. If all goes well, the app should be Facebook at the top. Tap behind this Download > Install.
  • Once the app is installed, the ‘Open’ button will appear. Tap here.

In this article we assume that you have already created and set up a Facebook account. Isn’t this the case? Then read the article ‘Create Facebook: create an account and find friends’.

When using the app for the first time, you must log in with your Facebook account. Next time you won’t have to.

  • Tap on Tphone number and ee-mail address and type the email address that the Facebook account is associated with.
  • Tap on password and type the Facebook account password.
  • Tap on To register.
  • Facebook wants to send notifications if something happens on the medium. Tap on do not allow or Allow depending on whether you want this.

When Facebook opens, the news overview immediately appears. This is a collection of messages from Facebook friends. Swipe from bottom to top on the screen to view the messages. If you are unexpectedly on another section, you can go to the news overview by tapping the icon of a house in the menu Facebook News Feed.

Do you see a message that you like? Then tap the thumbs up icon below the announcement Like on Facebook. Other people can see that you like it. There are also multiple options available to be more specific about what you think of the message.

  • Tap the thumb and hold your finger on the button until a row of icons appears.
    Facebook comments
  • From left to right, these mean: nice, wonderful, funny, stunned, sad and angry. Tap the icon that best describes your response to that message.

You can respond to updates from others with written text. That’s a bit more laborious than just ‘Like’, but it’s a bit more personal.

  • Tap below the message Post comment.
  • Type the response.
  • Tap the blue airplane icon behind the comment Send Facebook comment to post it.

The friends of the person you comment on will also see the comment. If more people respond to the message, you will receive a notification. In the bar at the bottom, a number appears next to the bell icon. Tap that and you can go directly to the relevant post to view the other responses.

You can share messages from others with your Facebook friends. The message can only consist of text, but it can also contain, for example, a photo, video or a link.

  • Tap the ‘Share’ icon below the respective post Share message.
  • Would you like to explain the shared message? Then tap Say something about this and write a comment.
  • Tap the “Friends” drop-down menu below your name (this may also be slightly different, depending on your settings) to determine who you share the message with.

    Facebook: who sees my message

  • Tap the desired choice > Finished.
  • Tap on share now.

Would you like to share something with your Facebook friends? That’s how it works:

  • Make sure you have the news overview in view. To do this, tap the icon of the house.
  • Swipe from top to bottom on the screen, so that you are at the top of the news overview and the option to post a message appears.
  • Tap on What are you thinking of?.
  • Tap again What are you thinking of?.
  • Type a message.
  • Tap on To share if you just want to share text.
  • However, there are even more options to put in your message. For example, you can add a photo or video, make a live video, check in where you are at that moment, indicate how you feel or tag friends.
  • Add a photo like this:
    • Tap on Photo/video to add a photo. Sometimes only the icon for this is visible Facebook photo or video post. Then tap on that.
    • The first time you add a photo or video to a post, Facebook needs access to the Camera Roll. Tap on To allow > OK.
    • Tap the photo to add > Finished.
  • Add an emotion like this:
    • Tap on Feeling/activity or the iconFacebook feeling share.
    • An overview with all kinds of emotions opens. Tap the appropriate emotion.
  • Tag a friend who participated in the activity:
    • Tap on Tag people or the icon tag Facebook person.
    • Tap on Who are you with? and type the name of a facebook friend.
    • Tap the appropriate friend’s name.
    • At the top right, tap Finished.
  • At the top right, tap Places to put the message on the timeline.

The post is now shared and visible to others.

As we mentioned earlier, there is a menu in the window. Below we explain the most common functions. Facebook today has several variants of Facebook. The icons you see depend on which version you have. Because of this, you may not see some icons or they may look slightly different.

  • Facebook News Feed News Feed: The collection of posts from Facebook friends.
  • party book friends Friend Requests: An overview of open friend requests and suggestions from possible friends.
  • Facebook Marketplace‘Marketplace’ or Marketplace. Here people trade their (second-hand) stuff.
  • Facebook groups If you are a member of (closed) groups, you will see an overview of the messages that have been placed there.
  • Picture of iconNotifications: the overview of all notifications. For example, that someone has responded to your message.
  • Menu Extra menu: other possibilities of Facebook, such as the settings or viewing your own profile, are hidden here.
  • Messages Messaging: the ability to send private messages.

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