Don’t feel like fiddling with the phone? If you have a computer nearby, you can also WhatsApp via the browser on the computer.
WhatsApp Web
Normally people use their smartphone to app. If you prefer to type messages on your PC than on your smartphone’s keyboard, you can install a program or use WhatsApp Web over the Internet. The app must be on the phone.
Make a connection
On the PC, connect to WhatsApp Web. The smartphone must be near the computer. Do this like this:
- Surf to the website
- A black and white code, a QR code, and the message ‘Keep signed in’ will appear. Uncheck if necessary Stay logged in. If you don’t, anyone who opens WhatsApp Web on your computer can chat on your behalf.
- Pick up the phone and open the WhatsApp app.
- On an Android phone, tap the three dots icon at the top right > WhatsApp Web.
- On an iPhone, tap Institutions > Paired Devices > Pair a device > OK.
- Using the phone, scan the code on the computer screen. To do this, point the camera at the code as if you were taking a photo.
- Has the code on your screen disappeared behind a green message? Then click on the notification to reload the code and try scanning again.
The WhatsApp main window opens. Below is an example. You have other people and conversations.
Start a conversation
Click on one of the recent conversations to continue chatting with that person. Scroll down the conversation list if you want to see more conversations. Start a new chat like this:
- Click on the ‘New Chat’ button
- A contact list opens. Click on the name of the person you want to text with.
- A conversation window will appear on the right. This contains previous messages to your contact (if applicable). At the top is the name and profile picture of the contact person. Click at the bottom of the ‘Type a message’ window.
- Type a message.
- Press the Enter key on the keyboard.
The message has been sent. As with WhatsApp on the phone, there is a check mark next to the sent message.
Insert Emoticons
Those nice smileys and other emoticons from WhatsApp can also be used on the PC. To add an emoticon to a message:
- Click on the button with the smiley to the left of the message
- A list of emoticons opens. Click on one of the tabs to see the corresponding emoticons.
- Scroll down in the lists to see the lower emoticons as well.
- Click on an emoticon to insert it into the message.
- Type the rest of the message.
- Click the submit button (paper airplane icon).
Send photo
You can send files on your computer via WhatsApp Web. Send a photo like this:
- Click on a chat.
- Click the ‘Add’ button at the bottom
- click on Photos and videos.
- The Explorer/Finder opens. Browse to the correct folder.
- Double click on the desired photo.
- The photo appears in WhatsApp. Still not sending? Click on the cross next to ‘Preview’ in the top left of the photo.
- Do you send? Type a text below the photo.
- Click the send button.
Help, a strange message!
While app on the computer, WhatsApp Web may report that the phone is not connected. Usually it helps to open WhatsApp on the phone.
Sign out
Done with WhatsApp Web? Then don’t forget to log out. Otherwise, other people using the computer can get into your WhatsApp conversations.
- Click the ‘Menu’ button to the right of your profile picture. That’s the button with the three dots.
- click on Log out.
You are logged out of the Internet edition of WhatsApp. The app on the phone still works, of course.