VDL Nedcar resumes car production at the beginning of May

VDL Nedcar, like almost all other car factories in Europe, was forced to stop production due to the corona virus. Now it looks like business will continue in Born next month.

BMW announced on March 18 that it was shutting down all European factories because of the situation with the corona virus. It was therefore not long before VDL Nedcar, which builds cars for the BMW Group, would follow suit. The confirmation therefore came and it turned out to be a production stop of one month. However, it is getting a bit longer, it now appears. After reporting from the Limburger about a restart, a spokesman for VDL confirms The Telegraph that the goal is to get back to work at the beginning of May, provided that this is in line with national measures.

On Friday May 1, the first test run will start. After the weekend, on Monday May 4, things have to come back into action. Various things, such as 1.5 meters between the employees, but possibly also things such as mouth masks and safety glasses, must ensure that work can continue safely and that the virus is not spread further. For the time being it seems to remain a while with the BMW X1 and the Minis that are built in Born. It is reportedly not yet certain whether VDL can also start production of coaches. This is largely due to the sudden drop in demand.

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