Watch out: your iPhone is less secure since iOS 15 due to Bluetooth too active

Apple has built in a function with iOS 15 that ensures that bluetooth remains on, while your iPhone is switched off. German researchers came to the conclusion that this entails great risks. You can read more in this article.

iPhone off? Bluetooth will remain on (for a while)!

Computer experts and researchers warn in a report for a security vulnerability in iOS 15 from your iPhone. When you turn off your iPhone, you expect everything to go off. However, bluetooth still remains on for a while. NFC (a connection for Apple Pay, among others) and Ultra Wideband (a technology that makes streaming possible, among other things) are also guilty of this error.

But why is it bad? We’ll explain that to you briefly. The bluetooth software is no longer available when the iPhone is switched off signed and no more encrypted. The former ensures that only Apple-approved firmware can be sent via bluetooth.

An encrypted connection simply means that no one can view your sent data, except you and the recipient. If your iPhone with iOS 15 is turned off, the encryption is gone and malicious parties can send data and possibly put malware on your iPhone.

Watch out: your iPhone is less secure since iOS 15 due to Bluetooth too active

Why does bluetooth stay on with iOS 15?

Since iOS 15, Apple has ensured that apps such as ‘Find My’ remain active, even when your phone switches itself off due to a (near) empty battery. These apps must continue to work for as long as possible. The researchers report that these connections remain active for at least 5 hours after turning off an iPhone.

What can you do about this malware on your iPhone?

When your iPhone is ‘awake’ you don’t have to worry. You are only at risk if your iPhone is switched off. However, no evidence has yet been found that this has actually been abused.

Do you want to be sure of a safely switched off iPhone? Then turn off bluetooth in the Settings before turning it off. If you only tap the icon in the control panel, you will only lose the current connection, but bluetooth is still active.

Are you curious whether bluetooth is on when you turn off your iPhone with iOS 15? Then check the panel that appears when you want to turn off your iPhone. Does it say ‘iPhone can be found after it’s turned off’? Then you haven’t turned off bluetooth properly yet.

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