What helps against sore muscles? 5 completely natural tips

Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Pexels

If you overdo it while jogging or in the fitness center, it often takes its toll in the form of painful sore muscles. We’ll show you what can help.

How do sore muscles develop?

Sore muscles are insidious and creep up like a cat. It is not painful until the second or third day after exercising. Every movement hurts, you feel motor restricted and powerless. Ouch!

But why is it like that? You still don’t know exactly. What is certain is that muscle pain occurs when you put a lot of strain on an otherwise neglected muscle group. The unfamiliar strain results in tiny injuries to the muscle fibers that cause the pain.

This helps against sore muscles: Prevention

Don't overdo it when exercising - start slowly and don't forget to warm up.
Don’t overdo it when exercising – start slowly and don’t forget to warm up.
(Photo: CC0 / pixabay / ArtCoreStudios)

Since sore muscles are the result of unusual strain on certain parts of the body, you should start your training slowly and gradually strengthen the muscles. Especially after a long break in sports or training, you shouldn’t exhaust yourself straight away, but rather increase slowly. It’s also a good idea to start warming up and stretching before exercising.

Warmth against sore muscles

Heat relaxes cramped muscles and thereby relieves pain. In addition, the blood circulation is stimulated and the healing process is accelerated. Relaxation baths are best immediately after exercise.

Essential oils such as spruce needles, rosemary or arnica as bath additives (you can find e.g. at **Avocado Store) also have a stimulating effect and can help prevent sore muscles or at least alleviate the symptoms.

Helps against sore muscles: acetic acid clay

Acetic acid clay or aluminum diacetan, as the actual name is, is a well-tried home remedy. Clay not only has an antiseptic effect, but also helps with bruises, sprains and sore muscles.

Application: mix a tablespoon of clay with a quarter of a liter of water and place as a compress on the affected parts of the body. (You can find finished cotton compresses with clay at **Amazon)

Ginger for sore muscles

Ginger can help relieve sore muscles
Ginger can help relieve sore muscles
(Photo: CC0 / pixabay / congerdesign)

ginger is not only an effective home remedy for colds, but also helps with sore muscles. Responsible for this are the pungent substances (gingerol) contained in ginger, which act like aspirin. Use: take ginger regularly as a preventive measure – either as tea or raw. According to study muscle pain can be significantly alleviated.

Sour cherry against sore muscles

sour cherry: The juice of the sour cherry has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to the antioxidants it contains, it should also accelerate the healing process of the muscle tissue and thus help against sore muscles. At least that is what one study claims, which is published in the journal “British Journal of Sports Medicine” has been published. application: 50 milliliters before and after exercise are supposed to relieve sore muscles. Whether this actually works is controversial among experts.

In general, there is no real miracle cure for sore muscles because people react too differently to the individual treatments. It’s best to just try different remedies until you find a method that works for you.

    Good for the muscles: magnesium

    magnesium not only helps with muscle cramps, but also with sore muscles. When you exercise, make sure you’re getting enough magnesium. Magnesium is found in many nuts, as well as millet, beans, sunflower seeds and other seeds. Whole grain products such as whole grain bread or rice also contain a lot of magnesium.

    Read more on Techzle.com:

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