Yoni egg: pleasure and pelvic floor training

Yoni egg: pleasure and pelvic floor training
Photo: Daniela Staber/Techzle\.com

A yoni egg is usually made of gemstones, such as jade or rose quartz. Inserted into the vagina, it is said to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and increase pleasure. You can read what this is all about here.

A yoni egg is a small, smooth gemstone egg that you can use for pelvic floor exercises. It probably originally comes from Chinese tradition and is intended not only to strengthen the muscles, but also to help you connect better with your own body. In recent years, the Yoni egg has become increasingly popular – it is said to ensure more intense orgasms and increased libido by strengthening the pelvic floor.

However, introducing a yoni egg is not without risk and can also have some unwanted side effects.

What is a Yoni Egg?

Yoni eggs are often misunderstood as sex toys. Yoni eggs are not used for stimulation or during sex.

Nevertheless, Yoni eggs can have a positive impact on your sex life because you can use the stone to train your pelvic floor. This should also help you improve the connection to your vulva and vagina and get a better feel for the muscles in this area.

The myth surrounding their origin also adds to the fascination. The eggs are said to come from the Chinese region and were used by noble women 5,000 years ago to honor the feminine, strengthen the pelvic floor and increase desire. However, the origin from the Asian region is not proven.

The word Yoni comes from the ancient Indian language, Sanskrit, and is a collective term for vagina, vulva and uterus.

Yoni egg: How useful is the gemstone?

The Yoni egg is said to have a variety of positive health effects.
The Yoni egg is said to have a variety of positive health effects.
(Photo: Daniela Staber/Techzle\.com)

The manufacturers advertise a variety of health benefits of Yoni eggs. However, there are no scientific studies on this.

The practice with the Yoni egg is intended, among other things:

  • strengthen the vaginal muscles and the pelvic floor,
  • reduce menstrual cramps,

  • orgasms and increase libido,
  • stabilize the cycle,
  • promote intestinal health
  • and have a positive effect on the urinary tract.

However, all of these supposed effects are promises that have not been scientifically proven.

How safe are Yoni eggs?

Yoni eggs are made from various gemstones.
Yoni eggs are made from various gemstones.
(Photo: Daniela Staber/Techzle\.com)

According to the Cleveland Clinic, yoni eggs are not only unnecessary, they can actually harm your vagina:

  • Some yoni eggs are made of gemstones that are slightly porous. This applies to jade or onyx, for example. These materials are difficult to clean and bacteria can collect in the small pores.
  • Depending on the material, a Yoni egg in the vagina can damage the mucous membranes and cause minor injuries. This generally makes the vagina more susceptible to infections.
  • Most people associate toxic shock syndrome with tampons that are left in the vagina for too long. But a yoni egg can also trigger the syndrome, according to the Cleveland Clinic. The risk is increased if the gemstone has already damaged the mucous membranes. Then bacteria get into your bloodstream more easily.
  • According to Healthline, a yoni egg does not contribute to strong pelvic floor muscles because you would have to alternately tense and relax the pelvic floor. If you wear a Yoni egg, your muscles are constantly tense. This can cause cramps and tension in this area. A tense pelvic floor can cause pain during sex, back pain and constipation.
  • More helpful than Yoni eggs is pelvic floor training, where you can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles without any additional equipment.
  • A yoni egg has also not been proven to have a positive effect on your cycle or your hormonal balance.

This is how you use the Yoni egg correctly

Insert the Yoni egg with the broad side first.
Insert the Yoni egg with the broad side first.
(Photo: Daniela Staber/Techzle\.com)

If you want to try a Yoni egg despite the risks, you should note the following tips:

  • Start with as small an egg as possible. If it hurts to insert the egg, it is too big.
  • To get the yoni egg out again, you can use an egg that has a small hole. You can attach a thread there and pull the egg out again after use like a tampon.
  • Don’t leave the egg in your vagina for more than 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Apply lube to the egg before inserting it. This reduces the risk of the gemstone damaging the mucous membranes.
  • To make it easier for you to remove the egg, you should squat deeply. The Yoni egg often falls out on its own. Otherwise, you can pull it out using the thread.
  • Wash the yoni egg with warm water after each use. To adequately disinfect it, it’s best to boil it in water for 30 minutes, according to Healthline. However, with some materials this can cause the gemstone to crack. If the Yoni egg has cracked, you should definitely not use it again.
  • Under no circumstances should you use the yoni egg during penetrative sex! This can result in serious injuries.

Read more on Techzle\.com:

  • Period underwear: How recommendable are period panties?
  • Green sex is on the rise: 9 tips for a sustainable love life
  • Cycle apps: These calendars help you understand your body

Edited by Luise Rau

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