We had to wait a long time for this Netflix feature, but now it’s finally here. It is now possible to clear your list of started movies and series (Netflix Continue). In this article we tell you how.
A new feature for Netflix
Netflix has finally introduced a feature that users have been asking about for years. It is now possible to clear the ‘Continue’ section yourself. So you can manually delete your started movies and series.
Okay, it may not seem like a spectacular innovation, but for many Netflix users, it’s definitely a worthwhile addition.
Why this has taken so long, only Netflix itself knows. The feature is now available on all platforms, including Apple TV. Netflix announces this on its blog in the ‘Innovation’ section. We’ll hold off on the ironic comments for a while. The feature was already available in the browser and on mobile devices, but Netflix is happy that it can now also offer it on TVs.
This is how you remove films and series from Continue Watching
Removing a movie or series from the list is not difficult and works much the same as adding and removing movies and series from your favorites list. We have listed the steps below.

- From the Netflix main screen, open the detail page of the started movie or series;
- Here you will find the option ‘Remove from my list’. Select it and click or tap it.;
- Do you want to have the series in ‘Continue viewing’ again? Then you also have an option to undo the deletion, via ‘Add to My List’.
Streaming Services Overview
Is Netflix the best streaming service to use at all? Or are Disney+ and Apple TV+ better these days. We have explored this extensively in our overview article on the 5 best streaming services.