There is a wide choice of streaming services and there is a suitable one for everyone. Apple users may have a subscription to Apple TV+, blockbuster fans can go to Disney+, sports fanatics have a subscription to ViaPlay and NLZiet is a solution for Dutch TV. In addition, CineMember, HBO Max and SkyShowtime are also gaining ground in Europe.
Due to the abundance of content, it is sometimes difficult to discover a good new film or series. That’s why we give you viewing tips and suggestions for these streaming services that are definitely worth it. Ideal for next weekend.

Crime, Drama
IMDB Score: 7.7/10
2 Seasons First release: 2021
A boy is killed. He was a member of the Kinsella family, a close-knit small group of criminals. In revenge, the Kinsellas start a gang war with the alleged perpetrators: the international cartel led by drug boss Eamon Cunningham. The Kinsellas, who are vastly outnumbered, have too much money but too few weapons, seem impossible to win this war: their companies go bankrupt, and all family members and employees are plundered. But they have what their enemies do not have: close, unbreakable family ties.

Apple TV+

Masters of the Air
War & Politics, Drama
IMDB Score: 7.8/10
1 Season First release: 2024
It is the Second World War. A special unit of the American Air Force consists of eleven men who are involved in a bomber miles above the ground behind enemy lines during the so-called ‘daylight bombing’ by the Allies on Germany, which took place from mid-1942 to the end of the World War II takes place. This is how the Allied forces take on Hitler’s swarms of German fighters.


Fellow Travelers
Crime, Drama
IMDB Score: 7.5/10
1 Season First release: 2023
The Long Shadow tells the true story of the Yorkshire Ripper. This serial killer targeted prostitutes in the 1970s, or women he mistook for them. We see the five-year manhunt of at least 1,000 police officers, who are driven to desperation. In the seven-part series we witness heartbreaking victim stories, an unprecedented cat and mouse game between killer and police, the most extensive British hunt for a perpetrator ever.