Developments in the field of artificial intelligence – or artificial intelligence (AI) – have an impact on all areas of society, including warfare.

Nina Bruin

AI and War 1AI in the field of AI have an impact on all aspects of society. As you have been able to read in PC-Active 336, you can make music yourself with the help of AI. In PC-Active 338 there are 25 handy AI Prompts for home.
Also in the field of warfare there is currently a huge transformation due to the rise of AI. Where previously human soldiers were the only fighters, we now see more and more (semi) autonomous systems on the battlefield. This technological progress offers new possibilities, but also brings challenges and risks.

Technological state of affairs

The integration of AI into military operations marks a fundamental shift in the way military conflicts are conducted. AI technologies are now used for a wide range of military applications, from advanced surveillance to (semi) autonomous weapon systems. An important example of this technology is the development of (semi) autonomous drones. These drones, equipped with AI, can independently identify goals and implement attacks without (fully autonomous) or with limited (semi -condome) human intervention. This not only reduces the time needed to make decisions, but can also improve the precision and effectiveness of military operations.

(Semi) Autonomous drones can play an important role in identifying enemy forces, a crucial aspect of modern warfare where the identification problem is considerably present, mainly in counterinsurgency– and contrastrorism operations. In these operations, the enemy is, in this case the insurgents And terrorists, often mixed with the civilian population, partly because they often do not wear recognizable military uniforms. This complicates the ability to identify the enemy. By using AI for face recognition and object detection, these drones can identify potential enemies faster and more accurately than traditional systems, which reduces the chance of unintended damage and civilian victims. However, it is important to comment on this: face recognition is not always one hundred percent accurate and therefore not completely reliable, especially in a complex landscape such as the war field.

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War drones (photo Adobe Stock)

In addition to drones, we also see a growing role for AI in cyber war. AI can be used to protect networks against attacks, but also to infiltrate and disrupt enemy systems. This shows how artificial intelligence not only changes the physical battlefield, but also the virtual space where modern conflicts take place.

Examples from practice

The practice of AI in military operations shows how this technology is already used in current conflicts. In the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, for example, both parties use drones for exploration and attacks. Ukraine has used commercial drones that have been adapted with AI technology to identify and attack enemy positions. These drones are equipped with cameras and sensors that are controlled by AI to analyze objects and movements in real-time.

In addition, the Russian government used AI for cyber warfare to infiltrate and disturb Western networks. This includes the use of AI for the execution of advanced attacks such as phishing-Mampaigns and the distribution of disinformation via social media. These attacks not only influence military operations, but also on public opinion and information security.

Another example of AI in practice is the use of AI-controlled decision-making systems in military operational centers. These systems help analyze enormous amounts of data to support strategic decisions. They can identify patterns and trends that are difficult for human analysts to detect, so that military leaders can make better informed decisions.

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AI and social media

AI not only influences the physical battlefield, but also on the information war that runs parallel to military conflicts. Social media have become a powerful weapon, and AI helps with both monitoring and manipulating these platforms.

In the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, both parties use AI to optimize their communication strategies. By means of AI, huge amounts of messages can be analyzed on social media to see how people think and respond. This helps military and political leaders to adjust their communication and to influence public opinion. Moreover, AI can help with both neutralizing and distributing disinformation campaigns, giving the information war a new dimension.

Ai-controlled bots and algorithms can, for example, automatically post messages, generate reactions and influence trends on social media. This makes it possible to reach and influence large amounts of people quickly and effectively. In addition, AI systems can recognize patterns in the distribution of information, so that they can help identify fake news and disinformation.

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Ethical principles concerning AI (source: IFPMA, 2022)

Ethical issues

The use of AI in warfare raises many ethical questions, especially on the degree of autonomy given to AI systems. Fully autonomous weapons can make decisions without human intervention, which leads to the risk of errors with disastrous consequences. An important question is who is responsible when an AI system makes a wrong decision, as with an autonomous drone that causes civilian casualties.

Another ethical issue concerns the transparency of AI systems. These algorithms are often complex, which can lead to uncertainty and distrust of their decisions. There is also concern about compliance with international laws. Fully autonomous weapon systems may be able to violate the rules of reinforced conflict, which means that strict regulation and supervision are necessary.

International agreements are crucial to use AI in a responsible manner. It Geneva Process on ai Principles Focuses on the development of ethical norms, where human control is essential. Decisions about human lives may not be made entirely by machines; A human operator must always remain responsible. The document also emphasizes the importance of responsibility: who is to blame for the wrong decision of an AI system? And how can an AI system be tried?

In addition, respect for human rights, reliability, and care is emphasized. It Geneva Process However, is a standard development initiative, and the principles are not binding in international law. Although steps are taken towards regulation, such as the Council of Europe Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence (signed by 57 countries in September 2024), this Convention Explusions of AI in Defense explicitly excludes. This means that there are no binding international agreements about the use of AI in warfare, although initiatives such as the Geneva Process draw attention to ethically responsible use.


  • Autonomy: The ability of a system to make independent decisions and to perform actions without human intervention.
  • Counterinsurgency: The whole of strategies and actions aimed at combating and suppressing a rebellion or guerrilla movement to restore control and stability in an area.
  • Disinformation: Deliberately spread false or misleading information, often with the aim of influencing public opinion or to disrupt enemy actions.
  • Identification problem: The challenge to distinguish the enemy within a civilian population. This problem is mainly present in counterinsurgency and contraterrorism operations.
  • Insurgents: Persons or groups who force themselves against the established government or occupying power, often with the aim of bringing about political or social change.
  • Hybrid warfare: A strategy in which conventional military actions are combined with non-military agents such as cyber attacks and disinformation to destabilize or influence an enemy.
  • Semiautonomy Systems: Systems that can perform some decisions and actions independently, but still need human input or supervision for other tasks.

Future prospects

The future of AI in warfare offers both opportunities and challenges. AI systems are expected to be increasingly advanced and more integrated into military operations. This can lead to more efficient and more effective strategies, but it also entails more complex ethical and legal issues.

An important future scenario is the use of AI in hybrid warfare, where conventional military operations are combined with cyber attacks and information warfare. AI can help to coordinate these different elements, making an integrated and coordinated strategy possible. This can have a significant impact on the way conflicts are fought and how victories are achieved.

In addition, AI will probably play an increasingly important role in the defense industry. From advanced weapon systems to logistics and information, artificial intelligence can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of military operations at all levels. This can lead to a fundamental shift in the way in which wars are fed, with possible far -reaching consequences for international safety and stability.

International cooperation and regulations will be crucial to control the use of AI in warfare. Developing clear guidelines and promoting transparency can help to minimize the risks and maximize the benefits. In addition, it is important to continue to invest in research and development to ensure that AI systems remain safe and reliable.

World War 2827031 1920 2Conclusion

AI has the potential to revolutionize warfare, but it is essential to handle this technology carefully and ethically. By guaranteeing human supervision and seting clear rules, we can ensure that AI contributes to a safer and just world. The challenges are great, but the possibilities are even greater. It is up to us to use this technology in a responsible manner and to steer the future of warfare in the right direction.