An online agenda offers many advantages. Not only can you view and edit it almost anywhere, it is also possible to share it with family, friends or colleagues. We introduce you to some Google Calendar tips. Do you bet that you are not yet using all the functionality of the handy online agenda?
One of the most popular online calendars is undoubtedly Google’s. The Google Calendar is available from the browser, after a simple login with your Google account, and as a mobile app for both Android and iOS.
In principle, working with such an agenda is not complicated. You tap a date, enter an event name, time, duration and location and, if necessary, set a reminder. In this article, we’ll look at various techniques to get even more out of your Google Calendar.
Desktop sync and Google Calendar in Windows Calendar
If you prefer the Google Calendar web application on your desktop, you can easily create a shortcut. We take Chrome as a starting point. Surf to Google Calendar, press the button with the three dots and choose More Tools / Create Quick Link. Give the shortcut a name, place a checkmark (if necessary) Open as window and confirm with To make.
Of course it remains a web app and you may find a real desktop application more convenient. You can then open Google Calendar in the default Windows Calendar app. Fire up the app and click the gear icon at the bottom left. Choose Manage Accounts / + Add Account / Google and sign in with your Google account. Confirm with To allow.
A little later, the link is a fact and you can also manage your Google calendar from this app. Click on the button with the three dots and choose Sync to coordinate everything.
Google Calendar in Outlook
Do you work with Microsoft Outlook, but still want to import one or more Google calendars? Then open the main menu of Google Calendar and click on the button with the three dots next to the calendar you want to export. Choose Settings and sharing. Scroll to Integrate calendar and click on the icon Copy to clipboard Bee Secret address in iCal format.
Armed with this address, open MS Outlook and open File / Account Settings / Account Settings. Go to the tab Internet calendars, click on New and paste the address into the field. Press Add, enter a suitable folder name and confirm with OK: The calendar is now added to Outlook.
Mind you, unlike the solution above (using Windows Calendar), this method only works in one direction: changes made in Google are reflected in Outlook, but not vice versa.
If you prefer a synchronization that goes both ways, you can do it for free Outlook Google Calendar Sync consider. On the tab Settings define all options for configuration. On the tab sync do you find the button Start Sync back and you can follow all operations nicely.
Mail your appointments to yourself
If you are regularly busy, you may find it useful to have your daily agenda automatically emailed to you. To do this, open Google Calendar and go to it Menu Settings / Settings. Click on your calendar at Settings for my calendars and scroll to Other notifications. Bee Daily agenda choose you E-mail.
Note that you can also set up emails for various other events here, such as New appointments and Canceled appointments.
Fast calendar filling
You can of course also include repeat appointments in Google Calendar. But what if an appointment is slightly less regular, or does not always take place on the same day or time? Then you can quickly enter all appointments via Google Sheets and then import them nicely into Google Calendar.
To do this, open a new spreadsheet and fill in the titles of the items you want to include in your agenda in the top row. These column titles must be recognizable to Google Calendar and they should look like this: Subject; Start Date (for example 07/13/2021), Start Time (for example 9.15 AM or 3.45 PM), End Time (if mentioned also End Date record), All Day Event (possible values ​​are true or False), Description, Location, Private (true or False).
Only the first two items are required, the order of your items makes little difference. Save the spreadsheet, click File and choose Download as / Comma Separated Values ​​(.csv, current sheet). Over to Google Calendar now, where you Institutions opens and Iimport and export selects.
click on Select a file on your computer and reference your csv file. Select the desired agenda from the drop-down menu and confirm with Import. You should now see the message ‘x of x appointments imported’.
Customize display
By default, you get a monthly view in Google Calendar, but you can adjust that. To do this, press the arrow button at the top right. Select an appropriate view, such as Day, Week, Month or Year. The display Schedule put all scheduled appointments neatly together.
By the way, choosing the view is even faster with the respective shortcut keys D, W, M, Y and a. In this same drop-down menu you can also indicate whether you want to see weekends and canceled appointments. To quickly see whether there are no overlapping appointments, you can, for example, call up the day or schedule view and make all desired calendars visible in the left pane.
Nice for those who use Chrome: here you will find the extension Custom Calendar Background. This allows you to set an online image as the background for your Google Calendar. Through Options you can also choose a different picture per month.
Google Task Integration
Google Calendar is not only useful for scheduling appointments, you can also use it as a task scheduler. Underlying you then actually use Google Tasks, but this module is nicely integrated in both Gmail and Google Calendar.
You can easily enter a task by pressing the blue Tasks button in the right window and Add task to choose. Then you enter a title and possibly further Details and a Date Time. Once you have completed a task, all you have to do is select it (in the right pane or directly in your calendar) and place a checkmark or Mark as complete to select.
Would you rather keep the tasks outside your regular agenda? Then click on the hamburger icon at the top left and remove the check mark next to your Tasks calendar.
Manage multiple calendars
Of course you don’t have to limit yourself to one agenda. For example, we can imagine that you want to have an agenda for private matters as well as for business appointments. Click on the plus button for this Other calendars, at the bottom of the left window. click on Create new calendar, give a Name and Description and confirm with Create calendar. You can also delete a calendar at any time.
You can also make a calendar visible to others. Press the button with the three dots next to the agenda, choose Settings and sharing and scroll to Share with specific people. Choose Adding people and enter the email address of a person or a Google group up.
In the drop-down menu at rights indicate what that person can do with your agenda, from Show only available/busy status information until Make changes and manage sharing options. Confirm with Send.
Add attachments
You want to schedule an event and let others know about it, but it would be helpful if everyone had the necessary documents. You can of course e-mail them in advance as attachments, but it is much more convenient if you prepare all the necessary files at the same time as you plan the event. Finally, let’s take a look at that.
Click on the desired time in your calendar and enter the title and time, among other things. click on Add guests and enter the email addresses.
Bee Rights for guests you will find useful options like Edit event, Invite othersn and Edit guest list. Then click at the bottom of the window Attaching. Choose My Drive, or upload to make local files available. The selected files are now added.
Also good to know: via the Add Google Meet video meeting button, you immediately add a link to a scheduled online meeting. Or you click Add description and you add the url yourself if you use a service other than Google Meet. Confirm with Save.