Adjust Gmail Font Size

Adjust Gmail Font Size

The font size of your emails in Gmail is easy to adjust to a slightly larger format.

Are the letters in Gmail a little on the small side? With a few mouse clicks you can make the default letter of e-mails slightly or considerably larger. That’s a lot nicer!

Keep in mind that only the font size of your own e-mail texts has been adjusted. The answers you get are still in the normal (smaller) font. Unless the other person has also changed their settings. Of course you can always forward this tip to the person you are e-mailing with. You therefore mainly set a larger letter in Gmail because it is more pleasant for you to type or because the recipient likes to see a large letter.

  • surf to on the computer.
  • click on draw up.
  • At the bottom of the email, next to the ‘Send’ button, click on the underlined A icon.
  • The formatting options appear right above it. Click on the ‘Size’ symbol. That’s the icon with the two T’s.
  • Click on the desired font size, for example Big.
  • Type a text.
  • surf to on the computer.
  • Click on the ‘Settings’ icon at the top right. That’s a gear icon.
  • click on all iview settings.
  • The ‘Default text formatting’ section contains buttons for the font, font size, text color and the ‘Remove formatting’ button. Click on the ‘Size’ symbol. That’s the icon with the two T’s, right after the font.
  • click on Big or Extra large.
  • Click at the bottom of the page Saving Changes.
  • Type an email to test whether the font size has been adjusted.

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