Anise oil: extraction, effect and application of the oil

Photo: Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Anise oil helps as a expectorant for coughs and as an antispasmodic for stomach problems. We explain to you what you get from anise oil, how it works and what you should consider when using it.

Extraction of anise oil

Anise oil is obtained from anise herb. This herb has a round-shaped stem and reaches a height of up to 50 centimeters. The anise flowers have a seven- to fifteen-jet white corolla. The egg-shaped anise fruits have a gray-green to gray-brown color and have fine hairs. Their taste is sweet and their smell very characteristic.

The aniseed herb blooms between July and August and is mainly found in subtropical areas such as the Mediterranean, Mexico or Southeast Asia.

The aniseed essential oil is obtained from ripe aniseed fruit. The anise oil consists of the following Components:

  • 90 to 95 percent trans-anethole
  • 1 to 4 percent tarragol
  • 0.3 to 0.4 percent cis-anethole

Use of anise oil in history

Anise oil was already obtained from the anise plant in ancient times.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / MabelAmber)
Anise oil was already obtained from the anise plant in ancient times.

In ancient times, anise was used as an aromatic for perfumes, wines and fragrance oils. Nowadays you come across anise as a spice in cakes and bread or in alcoholic beverages such as ouzo.

Anise oil itself is considered an additional taste improver in many medications because of its aromatic taste. In addition, you can use anise oil for respiratory and gastrointestinal problems.

Use of anise oil in the medicine cabinet

Anise oil shows two strong ones Effects: On the one hand it is expectorant for respiratory diseases and on the other hand it is antispasmodic for indigestion.

1. Anise oil as an expectorant

Anise oil supports the transport of mucus by stimulating the cilia in the respiratory tract. Anise oil helps cough up the mucus. There are two Uses:

  • You can use anise oil inhale. To do this, put four to eight drops of anise oil in a bowl filled with hot water.
  • Besides, in many Anoint contain anise oil for the bronchi. If you want to make your own ointment, you can mix 20 drops of anise oil with 100 milliliters of olive oil, for example. This allows you to rub your chest up to three times a day. Anise oil is not suitable for children as an ointment because it can irritate the skin.

2. Anise oil as an antispasmodic

Anise oil has an antispasmodic effect in the digestive tract. Because anise oil stimulates the glands so that they produce more digestive juices. Anise oil also supports intestinal activity. It helps relieve complaints like Flatulence, on Feeling of fullness or easy Indigestion to take. As an antispasmodic, anise oil is often combined with other active ingredients such as caraway or fennel. You can then buy this mixture as a tea, solution or in tablet form.

You should consider this with anise oil

The aniseed oil obtained from the aniseed fruit is highly concentrated and leads to irritation.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / anaterate)
The aniseed oil obtained from the aniseed fruit is highly concentrated and leads to irritation.
  • You should have anise oil in concentrated form neither ingest nor apply to your skin. Because that leads to strong irritation symptoms.
  • You should have anise never go collect yourself, because the aniseed fruit is very similar to the poisonous hemlock.
  • For anise oil, as for all essential oils, you should use them neither infants nor toddlers hold it to your mouth or nose. This can cause them to have difficulty breathing. The same applies Asthmatics.
  • Anise oil works when the dosage is too high intoxicating and numbing. Better use it sparingly.
  • Before you use anise oil, you should check if it is for you compatible is. Rub a drop in the crook of your arm to see if this area of ​​the skin becomes pustular, blushing, or itchy in the coming hours. These are signs of an allergic reaction. In this case, you should never use anise oil.
  • Anise oil to take can dangerous Side effects to have. You should only use it as a healthy adult under the supervision of a doctor. Children and adults with hormone-dependent tumors as well as pregnant and lactating women should under no circumstances treat themselves with anise oil.


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