Bosch CEO expects chip shortage for the rest of the year

The chip shortage, which currently costs many car manufacturers quite a bit of production, can still be a problem until the new year. The CEO expects this from Bosch.

Bosch, which has been a regular supplier of parts to car manufacturers for decades, is not confident that the chip shortage will be resolved quickly. The CEO of the German company, Volkmar Denner, explains this in conversation with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The CEO states that the deficit may not be made up until 2022. In any case, Denner expects that the coming months will be ‘difficult’. In doing so, he once again confirms Bosch’s expectation that faster improvement in the situation is not considered possible. The car industry can therefore prepare for production shortages for quite some time. Several car manufacturers suffering from the deficit have expressed the hope that the situation will improve somewhat in the second half of this year.

Bosch opened a new chip factory in Dresden earlier this year. There, the company will produce microchips that can be used in electric cars. According to the current schedule, the factory will not open until the end of this year. It is an important asset to the European car industry, which is currently still heavily dependent on such production far beyond our continent. Several top officials from both car manufacturers and chip makers stated earlier this year that more of this local production is needed in Europe to be able to cope with such shortages more quickly in the future.

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