‘BYD will become the world’s largest EV manufacturer this year’

Tesla almost overtaken

‘BYD will become the world’s largest EV manufacturer this year’

China’s BYD is already the largest car manufacturer in the world when it comes to plug-in cars, but for a while it will also be the largest in terms of fully electric cars. Tesla is about to be overtaken.

BYD still has a world to win in the Netherlands, but if we zoom out for a moment it becomes clear how big the Chinese manufacturer actually already is. Tesla is currently the largest in the world when it comes to purely electric cars, but BYD is equally the largest if we include all plug-in cars (including plug-in hybrids). Soon, however, BYD seems to be taking the entire EV throne, because sales of fully electric BYDs are on the rise, while deliveries of Teslas are declining slightly.

Bloomberg calculates that the gap between BYD and Tesla actually grew slightly at the beginning of this year, but also that BYD is now rapidly catching up. Tesla and BYD both sold more than 430,000 fully electric cars last quarter, the difference was only 3,456. The expectation is that the sharper upward trend at BYD will intersect with that of Tesla in the coming quarter, making BYD the largest in the world. That is not a big surprise; At the beginning of this year, GlobalData already sketched the picture that BYD would almost match Tesla’s sales figures this year. Now it looks like it goes one step further than that.

BYD currently relies mainly on the home market. It is already the largest car manufacturer there (regardless of the drivetrain), with a market share of more than 10 percent. BYD’s Qin, Yuan Plus (Atto 3), Song Plus and Dolphin are going crazy and only have to tolerate the Tesla Model Y when it comes to fully electric cars.

– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl

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