It is important that children learn how to use phones correctly. The ChatLicense app was developed and released for that purpose.

Megan van der Wagt

The ChatLicense app was released with the aim of teaching children and parents to use smartphones smarter and more consciously. Various videos and animations show children real events and dilemmas that resemble real life. Parents, on the other hand, can learn about apps and trends their children are exposed to on social media. This allows them to gain a better insight into which apps they consider suitable for children.

For children
The main purpose of the so-called smartphone experience game ChatLicense is designed to help children consciously use a smartphone. The app does this by combining interactive animations, films, explanation videos and quizzes. Kids can earn points for four ChatLicense skills during this process: Chat, Creator, Safety, and Sanity. The further the child progresses in ChatCity, the faster he or she will be ready for the apps that parents have told the child to unlock with ChatLicense. These can be chat apps, internet browsers, games and social media apps.

For parents
Parents use ChatLicense as an information portal to get to know the new generation. They learn about apps and trends that their children encounter on social media. This gives them a better insight into which apps they consider suitable for children. Parents get access to a continuously up-to-date information portal where they can find everything they need to get to know their children’s online world.

Combine ChatLicense with KPN Kids
KPN makes ChatLicense available to mobile customers who expand their subscription with the KPN Kids Sim. With this subscription, the child receives a SIM card with 1 GB internet and unlimited calling/texting. Enabling extra bundles and extra options (such as Spotify) is blocked. You cannot call 0900 numbers with KPN Kids Sim. As a parent, you always have insight into your child’s consumption via MyKPN.

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