Conveniently Play YouTube Videos

Conveniently Play YouTube Videos Is a YouTube video moving a little too fast for you or are you not hearing the instruction correctly? There are many playback options, such as automatic subtitles or slower playback.

You will find them on YouTube itself or, for example, on our website: videos. An internet program can play them without any problems, but sometimes the image is a bit blurry or too small, or the tempo of the video is a bit too fast. Know that there are several settings that will help you get the most out of the video.

Various buttons are available for controlling the video.

  • Click on the video itself or on the ‘Play’ button below it youtube play button to start the video. The play button changes to the ‘Pause’ button youtube pause button to pause the video.
    • The next button of an arrow with a line behind it is for ‘Next’ youtube button next. Skips to the next video in the playlist (on the right).
    • Next to it is the image of a loudspeaker. Mute the sound by clicking youtube volume button and back on by clicking youtube button mute. Point to it with the mouse pointer and a red slider will appear that allows you to increase or decrease the volume.
    • The next button is a slider that deals with autoplaying videos youtube autoplay. If it is to the right, videos will play immediately when they come into view. Click on it and the slider moves to the left and the automatic start is turned off.
    • With the button YouTube Video Subtitle button or YouTube Video Subtitles button turn on subtitles for the video. If the button is not in the list, then no subtitles are available.
    • The gear icon takes you to playback speed and video quality settings youtube button settings.
      • Is the video blurry? Then it may not play in the best quality. Adjust this.
        • Click on the ‘Settings’ icon.
        • click on Quality > 1080p.
      • Very useful with instructional videos is the option to play a video more slowly. Adjust the speed:
        • Click on the ‘Settings’ button.
        • Then choose Playback Speed.
        • For example, click 0.5 to play the video at half the speed.
        • The sound also changes with it, so that sounds a bit strange. Therefore, turn off the sound and turn on the subtitles, for example, so that you can still read what is being said.
    • Play the video in a corner of the screen with the ‘Mini player’ button youtube button mini player. The video will then move to a corner of the window and you can look up something else on YouTube in the meantime. Hover over the mini player and click the button in the top left corner make youtube button bigger to make the image bigger again.
    • Easily make the video as wide as the window without filling the screen with the ‘Theatre Mode’ button youtube theater mode button. Click the button again to return to normal size.
    • The button youtube button full screen is intended to view the video in the full size of your screen. If the video is playing full screen, press the Esc key (top left of your keyboard) to resize the video.

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