Group your photos into albums on Facebook. This is useful for retrieving photos and clear for Facebook friends.
New album on Facebook
On the Facebook site it is very easy to create a new album. Go to facebook.com and log in with username and password. How to create a new photo album:
- Click on your own profile. Click on the down arrow to do this
in the menu bar and click on your own name.
- click on photos.
- click on + Create Album.
- Options for the album appear on the left of the screen.
- At the top it says ‘Friends’. This means that only your Facebook friends can view the photos in the album. Click on friends to change this.
- click on album name and type an album name.
- click on Upload photos or videos to add photos and/or videos to the album.
- Select one or more photos and click To open.
- Click under a photo/video on Description and type what is going on in the photo. This can also be done later.
- Click on the bottom left Places when you are ready to share this album with your Facebook friends.
Edit Facebook album
Editing an album can be done as follows:
- Click on your own profile. Click on the down arrow to do this
in the menu bar and click on your own name
- click on photos.
- click on Albums.
- Click on the album you want to edit. There are several options:
- Add photos: Click on +Add to album to put more photos or videos in an album.
- Adjust order: The photos are clicked into the album. You can adjust this. Click on the three dots to the right of the album name. click on Edit album. Click on a photo, hold the mouse button and move the photo to where you want it. Click on the left arrow in the top left to go back to the album.
- Delete: In the album, each photo has a pencil icon in the top corner. Click on this and in the drop-down window click on Remove picture > remove.
Cover photo of a Facebook album
Every photo album on Facebook gets a cover photo. This can be seen in the overview of all albums and at the top when the album is open. The first photo in the album automatically becomes the cover photo. Set the cover photo yourself:
- Click on your own profile. Click on the down arrow to do this
in the menu bar and click on your own name
- click on photos.
- click on Albums and choose the album you want to edit.
- There are three dots to the right of the album name. Click on this.
- In the drop-down window click on Edit cover photo.
- An overview of the photos in the album opens. Click on the photo you want as the cover photo.
The cover photo of the photo album changes instantly.