De Uitlaat, Podcast AutoWeek, episode 8

A new podcast is live! The demise of the Focus RS, working from home and congested roads and the deadly Jaguar XF-RS Sportbreak. Listen below!

A new year and a new initiative. Techzle starts its own podcast: De Uitlaat. Following the success of the Rear View Mirror, we thought it would be nice to dive deeper into our work and a podcast gives us time to go into more detail. In this episode, Marco and Roy discuss the inevitable end of the Focus RS and look back over the three generations.

You can of course listen below, but you can also find us in Apple Podcast, Spotify, TuneIN,Google Podcast, and Pocket Cast. Search Techzle or De Uitlaat and subscribe if you don’t want to miss an episode. We are aiming to go live about twice a month for the time being. Great for long stretches in the car or during boring work.

Let us know in the comments what you think or have some suggestions that we should talk about. Ask if input via Twitter can be done via #AWUitlaat. Have fun listening!

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