Dutch importers: ‘Shortages rather than discounts’

A German expert predicts that manufacturers and dealers will come to our eastern neighbors with huge discounts when the corona crisis is over its peak. Inquiries show that we should not expect such situations in the Netherlands soon.

German Focus Onlineyesterday published an interview with car market expert Professor Ferdinand Dudenhöffer. He argued that many brand dealers are left with huge surpluses due to the collapse of the car market due to the corona crisis. He said it’s even possible that dealers can come up with discounts of up to 50 percent. Dutch importers inform Techzle that it will not go that way in our country.

In Germany, dealers are required to have an x ​​number of cars in stock. In the Netherlands, cars are only delivered to the dealer when a customer has ordered one. According to Jaguar Land Rover Netherlands, there is a very big difference. “When ordering our products, the emphasis is on ‘build-to-order’ and less on sales from stock.” The spokesman is therefore more afraid of a shortage than a surplus. “In addition, Jaguar Land Rover shut down factories in time to avoid high inventories. Globally, partly due to the reopening of the Chinese market, there is also a shortage rather than a surplus of cars in Europe. ”

Kia Nederland also does not expect such discounts to come. According to Kia, it is a wild speculation about the German car market. “As always, we continuously analyze our market and we continuously adjust our offer accordingly. We do not expect such changes. ” Peugeot Netherlands thinks it is still too early to give an opinion. “We follow market developments closely. The fact is that the market in the Netherlands has not yet fallen so sharply in March. In addition, production in the factories is temporarily shut down. ” Other importers are still waiting for their reactions.

In Belgium, dealers work in a similar way, with cars being delivered to order. In Belgium, it appears from inquiries by Car fans, therefore scarcity rather than surplus due to various brands. It is stated there that postponing a sale does not necessarily mean that the purchase is completely abandoned. If the current situation improves somewhat, it is expected that there will be a great demand for new cars again. Because factories have been shut down, waiting times may increase.

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