Google Translate, your personal interpreter on the web

Google Translate, your personal interpreter on the web

Google instantly translates pieces of text and even entire web pages from any language into Dutch.

The whole world is represented on the internet. So all languages ​​can be found there. What to do if the information you are looking for is only available in a language you do not know? Google saves! The search engine giant has its own translation service that does an excellent job. The service is called Google translate.

For example, you are looking for a nice place to stay in Apulia, a region in the heel of Italy. The website looks promising. But what’s there?

Simply paste a short text into the first text field (under ‘recognize language’) of Google Translate.

  • Place the cursor (mouse) pointer in front of the first letter of the text you want to select.
  • Click and hold the left mouse button.
  • Drag the mouse pointer to the end of the text to be selected.
  • Release the left mouse button.
  • Right click on the selection and choose To copy.
  • Go to Google translate.
  • Right-click in the first text box and choose To stick.

Google will automatically translate the text. Sometimes something goes wrong with the conversion. Then select the original language yourself.

  • Click on the down arrow down arrow.
  • Click on the correct language.

Google Translate can also translate a web page in its entirety. This is most convenient in the following way:

  • Copy the link from the web page. (Right-click in the address bar and choose To copy).
  • surf to Google translate.
  • Right-click in the first text box and choose To stick.
  • Make sure the correct language is selected.
  • Click on the down arrow down arrow.
  • Click on the correct language.
  • Now click on the link with icon link icon at the right.
  • A new page opens with the translated page.

If this translated page contains links to other pages, these will be translated immediately after clicking. You don’t have to go to Google Translate again for that.

Anyone who has a Google account and is logged in can easily save translated pieces of text.

  • Click on the star next to the translation.
  • It then turns yellow Star.
  • If you want to see the saved translations, click below on Stored.

In addition to texts and web pages, Google Translate also translates entire documents. Including Word documents, Excel files and PDFs.

  • Surf to Google Translate.
  • Click on the down arrow down arrow.
  • Click on the correct language.
  • click on Documents.
  • click on Browsing on your computer.
  • Select the file you want to have translated and click To open.
  • click on translate.

The translation is displayed.

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