Handy: this way you can use public WiFi for free with your iPhone for longer

Public WiFi networks often have a time limit, after which you no longer have access or have to pay for the internet. With this tip you can use public WiFi on your iPhone for longer!

Use public Wi-Fi with your iPhone

Are you often on the road? Then you sometimes have to rely on public WiFi networks. You can easily use mobile data to answer apps and emails, but that data is used up quickly if you want to perform more demanding tasks. Especially if you do not have an unlimited data bundle, it is wise to connect your iPhone to public WiFi for free internet.

Also read: iOS 17: Wi-Fi issues – here’s what’s going on

Unfortunately, these networks are usually only free to use to a limited extent. After a certain time limit you have to pay for the internet. Fortunately, there is a simple way to avoid that limit, so you can use public WiFi with your iPhone for longer. We explain to you how that works!

Handy: this way you can use public WiFi for free with your iPhone for longer

This is how you extend the time on a WiFi network

Can you no longer use public WiFi for free with your iPhone? And you don’t want to pay? Then you can use a trick to continue using the internet for free on the same network. To do this, you must disable the private WiFi address of the network, so that your iPhone is seen as a new device again. You can adjust this in the settings of your iPhone as follows:

  1. Open ‘Settings’ on your iPhone;

  2. Go to ‘Wifi’;

  3. Tap the information symbol behind the network you want to connect to;

  4. Turn off the switch behind ‘Private WiFi address’.

Please note, because this only works once. Therefore, make sure that you have private WiFi address turned on when connecting for the first time. Disable this function the second time, in most cases you can use the public WiFi with your iPhone again (temporarily) for free. Keep in mind that without a private address, your iPhone can be better tracked via different WiFi networks.

tip wifi iPhone

More tips for your iPhone?

With this trick you can use public Wi-Fi at airports for twice as long for free with your iPhone. Did you find this tip useful and would you like to know more about your iPhone? Every week we give great tips so that you get more out of your phone. View all our tips here:

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