How to uninstall an antivirus?

How to uninstall an antivirus?

How to uninstall an antivirus?

Have you installed an antivirus on your phone, tablet or computer and you no longer want to use it? Don’t panic, we’ll explain how to easily uninstall your antivirus.

Is there a danger in no longer having antivirus?

First of all, be aware that if you choose to uninstall your antivirus, you will then potentially be more subject to malicious attacks. If, on our mobiles, it was not necessarily essential to have an antivirus, the situation has changed. Antivirus is as important as on a computer. Be aware that there are free antiviruses.

Since Windows 10, Microsoft has directly integrated an antivirus into the operating system. This makes it possible to counter a majority of viruses, but it is not enough. If you have a quality antivirus, then this obviously offers you a lot more security.

You need an antivirus

You need an antivirus

Regardless of the operating system, except iOS, it is strongly recommended to have an antivirus anyway. Prevention is better than cure, and even if not having one does not necessarily represent an immediate danger, threats are omnipresent today.

If you still want to uninstall your antivirus, be sure to be careful. Whether temporarily or not, be extra vigilant when browsing the internet. Do not download files from unknown sites or click on suspicious links (especially those embedded in content received by email).

Why uninstall your antivirus?

The question to ask is very simple: why uninstall your antivirus? Do you find yours inefficient or does it slow down your device? Do you just think you don’t need it? Does it regularly detect false positives? Know that for all these questions, there is an answer.

If it is your antivirus that is causing you the problem, we obviously advise you to turn to another software. This market is particularly competitive today and thus allows us to have a wide choice of antiviruses which are overall very effective. This is even the case for the free versions which are more and more efficient.

Remember, however, that it is not recommended to install two antivirus programs at the same time on your computer. This can indeed create a conflict, which will then be especially counterproductive for the security of your device.

How to remove antivirus on Windows?

Delete an antivirus on WIndows, yes but to install another one

Delete an antivirus on WIndows, yes but to install another one

To be able to uninstall an antivirus on Windows, it’s ultimately very simple. As with all other software, this must be done from your control panel.

To carry out a clean removal of an antivirus, you must open the Windows menu. Then go to “Control Panel” > “Programs and Features”. Once you are there, your antivirus should appear in the list. Simply select it then choose the option to delete your antivirus.

Note that there can sometimes be errors, especially on Windows. In this case, there are several possible options. First of all, you will need to look in the folders on your computer for the location where your antivirus is located. Most of the time, this takes the form of a folder in the name of your antivirus in the “Program Files” folder at the root of your hard drive.

Once in this folder, you may then find an .exe file to run called “Uninstall.exe”. It will allow you to properly uninstall your antivirus. If once again this does not work, we advise you to contact the company behind the antivirus.

All security companies today offer software that allows you to easily uninstall all antivirus software without leaving any traces. Customer services are rather responsive and will therefore not hesitate to direct you to their utilities allowing you to permanently delete their services.

How to remove antivirus on MacOS?

Delete an antivirus on macOS, yes but to install another

Delete an antivirus on macOS, yes but to install another

When it comes to antiviruses on MacOS, there are two solutions to uninstall them: it depends on how you installed your antivirus. First of all, we will tell you how to remove an antivirus installed by the Mac App Store.

If you downloaded an antivirus from the Mac App Store, then you can remove it directly from Launchpad. This is the menu that will list your software. It’s a gray icon with a small rocket, a classic that all macOS users know.

Once in this menu, all you have to do is click on the icon of your antivirus. At this time, all applications will start to vibrate and those installed via the App Store will then display a small cross at the top right. This will in theory be the case for your antivirus. Nothing could be simpler: just click on the cross and validate! The antivirus is uninstalled, so you will no longer have access to your protection software against various threats.

If you installed your antivirus the “classic” way, using a file downloaded from your internet browser, then it’s a little different. To completely delete it, you must open your “Finder”. Then go to the “Applications” folder. At this time, you just need to look for your antivirus and simply delete the folder or drag it to the trash. Nothing’s easier !

No matter how you install your antivirus on mac OS, now you know how to uninstall it. It only takes few seconds.

How to uninstall antivirus on iPhone and iPad?

Delete an antivirus on iOS, yes but to install another one

Delete an antivirus on iOS, yes but to install another one

If you own an iPhone or iPad, you’re probably aware that antiviruses don’t really exist on iOS. These are applications that protect you from certain malicious attacks such as phishing, but in no case from viruses. Indeed, Apple does not authorize the publication of applications of this type on its App Store. They are not really antiviruses, but simply protection-related services (which are more or less effective).

However, this does not prevent all the giants of the sector such as Avast, Bitdefender or even Kaspersky from offering their computer security applications on the App Store. If you have installed them and want to delete them, it is very simple, like any other application.

To remove your “antivirus” on iOS, simply go to your home screen where you have all your applications. Once you have located the application you want to delete, it’s very simple: press it for a few seconds.

A menu will then open with a “Delete app” option at the bottom in red. Just click on it. You will then be asked for additional confirmation. Once you click “Delete” again, you’ll be good to go!

How to remove antivirus on Android?

Remove an antivirus on Android, yes but to install another one

Remove an antivirus on Android, yes but to install another one

Have you installed an antivirus on Android and are facing some problems? Some unfortunately do not hesitate, for example, to display advertisements to you unexpectedly, others will slow down your tablet or phone. In this case, an uninstallation is obviously necessary.

To be able to remove an antivirus, it is exactly the same procedure as for any other application. This obviously works on an Android tablet or phone. The title of the menus may vary depending on your software overlay. However, the handling remains generally identical.

There are two options for this. The first is universal, it consists of going directly to the Play Store. In the menu, choose “My games and applications”. Then simply choose your antivirus and click “Uninstall”. It’s very fast and will work with any Android device that has the Google Play Store.

For the second option, go to the settings of your Android device. Then, all you have to do is select the “Applications” section. Here, all of your applications will normally be displayed. You will then simply have to select the antivirus you wish to remove. Once you click on it, an “Uninstall” option should be available. After confirmation, it will be finished.

To remove your Android antivirus, it is therefore quite simple and quick. Note, however, that as devices are sometimes very different, options may vary. If you can’t find how to do this through your phone’s settings, don’t hesitate to use the Google Play Store option.

Ultimately, uninstalling an antivirus is not very complicated. When everything works without problems, most of the time it is done in a few minutes. Please note, however, that removing software of this type, without quickly replacing it with a competing solution, involves risks. You thus further expose your machine to threats. So be careful about this.

How to protect yourself well? Our other antivirus tips:

  • How to analyze and protect your internet network?
  • How to protect your digital life with an antivirus?
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  • How do I identify the ransomware that is blocking my data?
  • How to stop receiving spam?
  • How to use and activate parental controls for your antivirus?

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