How to use ChatGPT?


ChatGPT is a conversational chatbot offered by OpenAI. It uses third-generation artificial intelligence (Generative Pre-training Transformer). Questions can be asked in a form of natural language. ChatGPT then responds in the same way to the user.

ChatGPT can be used directly on the dedicated OpenAI site, but it is also possible to use ChatGPT with Google in certain browsers, through specific extensions. iOs users can integrate an API, which allows them to make ChatGPT work with Siri.

The OpenAI chatbot uses a database from the web (press articles, e-books, sites, forums, etc.). ChatGPT uses information whose last updates date back to 2021. Its data was then enriched by exchanges with AI trainers, sometimes playing the role of the robot, sometimes the role of the user.

You can discover a detailed presentation of the possibilities offered by the conversational language model on the blog dedicated to it by OpenAI.

How to use ChatGPT?

1. Start by creating an OpenAI account

If you haven’t already done so, register at using your email address or a Google or Microsoft account.

openai account creation

Registration is free and gives access to the various tools offered by the publisher.

2. Connect to the OpenAI chatbot, ChatGPT

Go to the ChatGPT site and enter your credentials to launch ChatGPT.

Open AI account

The use of the robot is free on the site, but paid if you want to integrate it into your own tools using its API. The OpenAI publisher offers its new users an $18 credit, valid for three months.

To check the status of your account, go to the following address:

ChatGPT usage credits

3. Fill in your request

To discover the capabilities of the robot, you can start by asking a question, written in natural language.

Example ChatGPT script

After analyzing it, ChatGPT then begins to write a response based on the information contained in its database and confirmed by its automatic learning.

4. Examples of different possible uses of ChatGPT

It is possible to use ChatGPT as a chatbot integrated into a website. In this case, it is necessary to use a dedicated API (read below).

Content creation is also possible. The user can thus ask ChatGPT to write him an article, a presentation text, a film or game script, or simply to complete the beginning of a text. ChatGPT can also be used to create emails or write simple descriptions and basic product sheets.

Example chatGPT search variant

When a topic is opened, a specific chat appears in the left column. It is relevant to classify the different requests, in order to help the robot to deepen its answers more precisely on a given theme. The same question, in the same chat, will have slightly different answers. You can also ask ChatGPT to offer other answers to the questions initially asked.

5. To use ChatGPT outside the dedicated site, create an API

If you want to integrate ChatGPT into your website or on an iOs device, then you will need to use the API offered by OpenAI.

api chatGPT

Click on the link then on your profile icon located at the top right of the screen. Then select the “View API keys” menu and generate your API key number.

6. Current ChatGPT limitations

Some answers written by the robot may seem absurd or even be erroneous. ChatGPT is trained to use different resources, as well as exchanges learned during its training with AI specialists. The latter have, in turn, embodied the user and the chatbot, in order to improve the knowledge acquired and allow ChatGPT to use the most suitable dialogue format.

chatGPT interaction

ChatGPT may have to admit its errors and refuse to answer questions for which it considers that it cannot answer correctly.

ChatGPT is trained to refuse to process inappropriate requests, through a moderation API. However, the OpenAI editor invites the user community to report any inappropriate answers, in order to improve the model. These reports can be made in the comments. To access it, you will have to simply click on the thumbs down. On the contrary, to validate the relevance of an answer, you will have to click on the raised thumb.

New uses in perspective

The availability of ChatGPT for the general public marks an important step in the evolution of the web. The quality of the answers provided, as well as the natural tone employed by the chatbot, are likely to help create even more effective and engaging chatbots in the future. Other uses are also possible, such as writing articles or product sheets. They will therefore most certainly lead to a change in the profession of editor. The latter will then have a supervisory role. Indeed, the quality of the texts and descriptions provided is however not as elaborate as that of a human and requires careful proofreading before being used. Some glaring errors or nonsensical answers may appear.

The impact of ChatGPT will mainly depend on the quality of its integration and the careful monitoring of its responses. Its use for marketing purposes, however, seems irrepressible and paves the way for more and more advanced conversational chatbots, which will certainly be used on a daily basis.


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